, for all their helpful answers to good questions, really messed up their hyper grace answer. Stuff Jesus Never Said, Comment Policy 6 Warning Signs of a Toxic Church Culture, 5 Differences Between a Critical Mind and a Critical Spirit. I think some people are stuck in their rut because Hyper grace is too simple..the gospel is simpleyet people feel they need to do so much more to attain it or earn it Kingdom, preaching, teaching, deliverance, healing, wholeness 5-fold ministry This article is part of the 10 Things You Should Know series. Gods grace freely provides what we have the inability to produce ourselves. I like to consider what Jesus said to the woman caught in adultery through this lens: Until we recognize our sinful acts as what they really are, acts of self-medication to deal with the pain of our estrangement from the source of our authentic identity, meaning, and origins the overflowing Trinitarian life of God we will continue to fail to strike at the root of the matter. "Depression of spirit is no index of declining grace; the very loss of joy and the absence of assurance may be accompanied by the greatest advancement in the spiritual life." 8 We should therefore not be too easily dismayed by our troubles: in a failing world, friends will fail us, we will hurt, and we will feel our frailty and emptiness. I dont understand it all, but Im trying. haha I share Escape to reality among as many people as I can.. Grace On Purpose Ministries International, Inc. | Bartow FL No, enemies of this life giving, life sustaining, and life everlasting grace, the fruit that will be subsequently born on the tree is not always part and parcel of the tree. Jude warned about him: "'In the last time there will be scoffers, following their own ungodly passions.'. Ironically, perhaps, realizing how finished my transformation is completely apart from myself, has not turned me into a lazy sidelining latte drinking shirker, it has made me zealous and untiringly ambitious to spread the gospel! . Help me to feel your loving presence as I will always focus on having a better relationship with you. I thought you were going to point me toward Joseph Prince, Rob Bell, etc. Jesus told the woman who was caught in the act of adultery to go and sin no more. we offer spiritual literature, articles, teaching aids for acquaintance and reading. Through it, the Holy Spirit can effect change, give grace to weak and weary sinners, and elicit faith in the hearts of God's people. Rock on, brother Paul! Stand firm and let nothing bind you. Theres many,many verses in the Bible warning against backsliding, and believe me, if the Lord was ok with us living a continual sinful lifestyle then those scriptures wouldnt be in the Bible. Apparently the rock-star preachers promoting this hypergrace heresy will be held accountable for the spiritual death of millions.. Walking after the flesh is living our life believing that our standing with God comes from our obedience and our righteousness, walking after the spirit is believing that our standing with God comes from Jesus obedience & Jesus righteousness. All of these sermons can be found on YouTube channels. We can poison the poor childrens bread; yes, the Bread of Heaven, when we cheapen the infinitely rich grace of God, due to unbelief, skepticism, and foolish pride. Prayer for Grace Gracious God, You are my creator who has chosen me to be in a relationship with You. I bring these two up specifically as a warning for those that may be inclined to take teaching from them. Ungrace demands obedience under threat of condemnation if we come up short. Kingdom Ministry Manifesting Advancing Teaching Preaching Praying Evangelizing Prophesying Pastoring. But it will address it from a different postureand actually empower victory over it. James would send to the others to circumsice gentiles, and even Peter was under his influence My comment: There is therefore now no condemnation to them who are in Christ Jesus, who walk not after the flesh but after the spirit (Rom.8:1). Dont know why you respond scripturally, but Im glad that you do. He studied for two years with Wycliffe Bible Translators and has a passion to share Christ and see all people groups of the world reached with the Gospel. We receive this fullness of God at the very moment we receive His free gift of eternal life. We are seated in heavenly places with Christ in oneness with the Trinity. AMEN? You have to wonder how the church can be divided so widely on this issue??? They are controlled by the cracking sound, ie large amounts of sheep or cattle can be moved at once with this tool. Grace strengthens us to wait for the return of Christ Jesus. Paul reminds us that now, as Gods precious children, we are to be eager waiting with bated breath for the next thing He asks of us. WRITE DOWN your progress in a journal. So how do we take what Jesus was preaching? All of the forces of darkness cannot stop what God has ordained. Grace elicits the confidence that he will accomplish that which he requires of usas we cooperate with and obey him. I dont know any Christian who condones sin though, but that is what they are implying. Paul-I looked at the title of this blog and I asked myself, How would I answer that? I am always so pleased to see the way you can really cut to the meat of the issue and tell it like it is! Thats until I started listening to grace preachers a couple of years ago. One month ago the church released a statement advising its congregation and the public of the issue. Sanctification is not about training ourselves. #5. Does a mango tree worry about the mango fruits it will bear next mango season? C. H. Spurgeon remarked on that verse that "all God's truly-sent servants have experienced much delight in the . Subscribe to our channel for regular teachings, prayers and inspirational videos. Anyone can get access to this information and get acquainted with its content completely free of charge. Thank you for your help to that end! Evidently, these free grace preachers were twisting the scriptures by teaching that "we are no longer under the law" means that we are no longer under any obligation to obey the moral law of God once we are saved. I was going to read it it then delete your site thinking you were going to preach the exact opposite so THANK YOU VERY MUCH for the absolute TRUTH! 260 talking about this. To overcome these fears, we remind ourselves that: May God give you, first of all, an unshakeable confidence in his grace for you as his child. God's hand is over your life! ". Walking in the Spirit comes from belonging to Jesus- Romans 8:9 It may surprise you to learn that hyper-grace is 100% Biblical in origin. Take all you read and masticate it thoroughly. One of Tilton's main tactics to get his enormous following to donate money was to ask them to send prayer requests to his ministry. Words spoken by a person cannot strengthen faith, but the biblical sermon in the mouths of preachers has a special power that can transform a person's soul. Grace instructs us so that we might develop Christ-like character. Guilt and Grace (8 of 8) by Fred Lowery. Oh, LORD, give us that child-like eagerness to do Your good works. Blessings for you too. What helps me is being righteousness and forgiveness conscious so I dont hurt myself. Grace For Purpose Grace For Purpose Subscribe 0 99 videos Videos 0 10:22 She Almost Made Him Do The Unthinkable (Remain Faithful In Your Marriage) Now the works of the flesh are evident: sexual immorality, impurity, sensuality. "He must hold firm to the trustworthy word as taught, so that he may be able to give instruction in sound doctrine and also to rebuke those who contradict it" (Titus 1:9). We are all, by nature, God's enemies, and we deserve His wrath. Grace was bought by God at the highest of prices. The magnificent obsession of Reformed Christianity, and indeed the very purpose for which mankind exists, is "to glorify God, and to enjoy him forever," as the Westminster Shorter Catechism says. Verse 9 clearly says this. He represents the interests and fulfills the will of the One who authorized him for this with the authority of His glorious name, and, therefore, the preacher is obliged to accurately convey to his audience what was entrusted to him by God. I can tell because the whole structure of the answer is so similar to the standard hypergrace hater phrasing. The apostle Paul introduced the concept of grace that is hyper, but he was hardly the only hypergrace preacher in the Bible. Grace upon grace to all! AMEN! only those who overcome will receive the prize. I have been a modern slave to religious Christianity- performance centered, almost losing my mind in trying so hard to please God. Even though it may not always be visible in the flesh, we possess Gods fullness. But grace does not worry about good works. B. It's all for God's glory Sounds very works centered to me. I do know that I cant try hard enough to be good enough, and I know that his grace is greater than all sin for all time. Grace is the one thing that separates Christianity from all religions and Gods grace is truly extreme. By the way I purchase the Hyper Grace Gospel book from Amazon. As the concept suggests, a preacher is one who practices the art of preaching. Ignorant mankind is a killer. We must use logic to communicate clearly and coherently. The grace that Christ Jesus brought to us also gives us a purpose and zeal. The new Covenant didnt begin until he was executed. The Vineyard Church in Duluth, Minnesota had its lead pastor, Michael Gatlin, give his resignation yesterday after his son, another pastor at the church had allegations of sexual misconduct made against him. After 50 years of sincere evangelical Christianity I discovered Grace. There are 500 articles here on E2R, all free. 1 Peter 5:10, Peter says we have glory by the grace of salvation in Jesus Christ. To be included in this esteemed company of grace preachers is an honor. The purpose of faithful preaching of God's Word is none other than the holistic conformity of God's people into the image of Christ. I think it needs to be taken on a case by case (passage by passage) basis. Perhaps you should read Galatians 5:24, or all of Galatians 5 for that matter. Ask most non-Baptists (and even some Baptists!) I am curious, though, who you are quoting at the beginning of the piece? If you are a hyper grace preacher Paul, as well as Paul in the Bible, Joseph Prince and a list of other which I believe in does that make me a hyper Christian? You do not need to speak Greek to recognize the common element in these words. It really does sound crazy but the world has it all backwards. Laughed as I readlaughed with joy because Gods grace is really hyper and mega. Our site is a Christian church that serves people with the help of the Internet, so it doesn't matter where you live - we are open for you anytime and anywhere! A pastor who listens to my mes-sages regularly took over a church as its senior pastor when it had an average attendance of about a thousand members. But, since Hyper-Grace is taken by most as a perversion of Grace as conveyed in scripture, I think it would be best to come up with an alternative term that expresses Grace in the way the biblical writers intended it to be understood. I have no problem with this particular revelation of the new covenant. Myself and others in my family fought hard striving against certain sins. This in spite of each of the Ten Commandments being directly cited or taught indirectly in the New Testament. The Divider uses false doctrine to disrupt or destroy a church. Here are some others: John the Beloved spoke of the grace that comes from God through his Son. Then read Romans 8:12 So then, brethren, we are under obligation, not to the flesh, to live according to the flesh The prodigal son, hugged despite his sins. Give me the desire to meet with You each day, all day. Of his fullness we have all received grace upon grace (John 1:16). So we should begin thinking of an alternative term. The second epistle of John is the clencher for me and I pray for you. Just as you cant travel to the edge of the universe, you will never find the limit of Gods grace. Chapter 1:5-10 and including Chapter 2:1 We have approximately 65 middle and high school students along with a team of 15 adult volunteers serving Grace Community students. Jesus gives so so much grace and more that when he looked down at the folks standing around him and crucifying him on the cross, he said, Father forgive them for they know what they do. Luke 23:34 That prayer was answered in the finished work of Jesus. The answer to your question can be found here. So here is my plea to preachers of the gospel. The Gospel in Ten Words I wasnt born again. The ax is not going to fall, the revelation of the Truth is just going to get deeper and better and continue to amaze you. Jew believers that kept on praticing the rituals and ceremonies of the law, circumcising, observing the natural sabath, etc just like the modern messianic brothers which are under a mixed law/grace gospel. It seems they are projecting the judgement that is due them. Thank you for your response. Any list of hypergrace preachers must begin with the man who first described God's grace as hyper. of God Himself, it is permissible for the one who knows Him personally, has constant communion with Him and obeys Him implicitly. How did the two differ?