At least that was what ALIS was supposed to do. Since Satanists were known to infiltrate police departments, cover your tracks by also contacting U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE): and contact the Federal Human Trafficking Website:, If you wished to join the effort in saving children from international sex trafficking, contact Tim Ballard at Operation Underground Railroad and the non-profit organization, Saving Innocence. 10 April to Mon. Admin Login. When the system identified a problem, the replacement parts needed would automatically be ordered and then tracked through the supply chain. Instead, it only includes arrows showing the up or down trend for each of the three F-35 variants and a yes or no indicating whether that part of the overall fleet is meeting the standard. It must be noted that DOT&E does not report that claim as an objective fact. F-35 Program Stagnated in 2021 but DOD Testing Office Hiding Full Extent of Problem, Cyber Threats and a Scrapped Logistics and Maintenance Network, Uncompleted Development Masquerading as Modernization, By If you do not have any Zim then you will be eligible for the contract rates on the Dinar and Dong. Congress needs to keep up the pressure to protect the testing offices independence by making sure no future unclassified reports are stamped with any kind of phony information designation. Unless or until Lockheed Martin and the F-35 Joint Program Office can produce a working support network, the F-35 will not be an effective aircraft program. (If youre not receiving the newsletter after subscribing or you are having issues, please send an email H. Our Military Intel Contact on Exchange/ Redemption Instructions: Safe link websites were the only way to obtain personal 800 numbers so you could secure an appointment at a Redemption Center and ask for the higher exchange/ redemption rates. At first glance, this might seem like just another infrastructure play - unless one realizes that Task Force ODIN (Observe, Detect . February 02, 2023 U.S., International Forces Seize Illegal Drugs in Gulf of Oman January 31, 2023 Combined Task Force 152 Conducts Exercise in Arabian Gulf with Unmanned Vessel January 26, 2023 One small shop, Two major missions: 109th MDVS January 24, 2023 One small shop, Two major missions: 109th MDVS January 24, 2023 Press Releases, *On Jan. 24, 25 2021 President Biden, 355 Congressmen and 109 Senators were said to have been arrested for a total of 465 elected officials facing a Military Tribunal, some of whom were retired. The babies, children and teens were starved, tortured and used in sex orgies in preparation for human sacrifice rites. She previously worked the Navy/congressional beats for Defense Daily, which followed almost three years as a staff writer for National Defense Magazine. Because the Joint Program Office and Lockheed Martin were unable to meet all the requirements for a fully functional aircraft within the time and budget of the first, second, or third program baselines, officials decided to simply rename the remaining work. If such a test happened, the results have not been made public, even in the non-public version of the most recent report. According to the non-public report, the lack of spares inventory, and limited component-level depot repair capacity, contribute to the shortfalls in spares supply. First, the services are buying new F-35s so fast that the manufacturers of replacement parts cant keep up with demand. Removal of 5eyes & Mossad. Marshal Law. 23-26 April will be a pivotal moment in time.a suddenly moment where everything changesBo Polny predicted a year ago: Biden would be out, Trump in (have heard 8 Aug. 2021) and a new Financial System and NESARA activated. Program leaders abandoned the efforts to complete the troubled Autonomic Logistics Information System (ALIS) and instead decided to build a new network called Operational Data Integrated Network (ODIN). The public version of this years report contained only two charts, while the non-public version had eight. While these slogans may look good on a brochure or splashed across the pages of trade publications, the connected nature of the F-35 aircraft and support networks on the ground may ultimately prove to be the programs biggest conceptual flaw. Along with the delays come extra costs. For the past seven years, a team led by the Navy has labored to build the facility, called the Joint Simulation Environment (JSE), at Marylands Naval Air Station Patuxent River. Improving DODs cybersecurity posture will require network defenders, system users, and mission commanders to be equipped with innovative tools and training to successfully detect and rapidly respond to nation-state cyber-attacks., F-35 boosters worked diligently to reassure Congress and the American people that the programs all-encompassing maintenance and logistics network, the Autonomic Logistics Information System (ALIS) would work as advertised and transform the way the services would perform maintenance. Beyond that, little information about the effectiveness of ODIN has been reported to date. Opportunities. The non-public DOT&E report explains that the F-35 fleets availability rates increased temporarily because program officials surged spare parts to some units, and because the newest aircraft delivered from the factory had the effect of reducing the percentage of aircraft being pulled from service to send to the maintenance depots for modifications or major repairs. This was the first time since F-35 low-rate initial production began in 2007 that Congress didnt increase the yearly buy. The services prefer to cite this measurement over full mission capable rates because the former is a much lower standard and easier to meet. Only intelligence staying is military. Although the program and the Services manage engine spares by prioritizing combat-coded units over test and training units, the report said, the shortage of spare engines has adversely affected deployed combat units as well.. One of the documents you need to sign was an NDA (Non Disclosure Agreement) that could last six months to five years, depending on the amount of funds that you have received. I wish you well in your humanitarian efforts and look forward to seeing you on the other side where together, we will make life better for all. The two US governments:(1) a legitimate Interim Military US Government empowered by the Constitution and the Department of Defense under Military Code 11.3, and (2) an illegal, fraudulent foreign paid-for, foreign controlled (on the foreign ground of the District of Columbia) Biden Administration. What it really did was create more work for pilots and maintenance crews. In 2009, the Ottawa Citizen's defense reporter David Pugliese reported that the US military was about to spend $100 million to upgrade the facilities at Kandahar, Afghanistan, in order to accommodate up to 26 aircraft for a local "Task Force ODIN". To help detox heavy metals and toxins from chemtrails and other exposure, we recommend taking Touchstone Essentials liquid zeolite products. *Federal Buildings across the US have not been used for over a year. Teams from Johns Hopkins Applied Physics Laboratory, Carnegie Mellon University Software Engineering Institute, and the Georgia Tech Research Institute evaluated the facility. The F-35 program still has 845 unresolved deficiencies with six still classified as serious design flaws. The F-35 Joint Strike Fighter program appears to be in a state of suspended development, with little progress made in 2021 toward improving its lackluster performance. Its about the children the thousands of malnourished and traumatized children who in honor of Satan, were being raped and murdered so their Elite Perpetrators could supposedly gain power and rule the world. The label is a tool that some in the federal government misuse to conceal information that could be embarrassing to them, but because the information does not damage national security, they cant hide it under a classification label. At the defunct Federal Reserve Bank the Deep State had people printing fiat U.S. Satan-follower perpetrators appeared to be organized from the US Incs CIA, Queen Elizabeths, Illuminati Banking families and Vaticans Ninth Circle Child Sacrifice Cult on down to the Clintons, Hollywood, Pizzagate and local teenage covens. The original designers of the F-35 had just such an extreme scenario in mind when they drafted the initial requirement documents, and it is the ability to persevere in this type of extreme scenario for which the American people are paying the premium price of the F-35 program. Raytheon to make seven missile-tracking satellites for US space agency. This website uses cookies to track how visitors use our website so that we can improve the performance of our site and provide you with a better user experience. The non-public version of the report broke out the reliability data into six separate charts. Since its inception, it has helped many students get hired as developers and has assisted countless others in learning enough programming to work on their own personal projects. The unit was formed in Texas, and first deployed in October 2006. Despite the fact that development costs have more than doubled and delays have set the F-35 back by nearly a decade, the program has yet to deliver a fully developed aircraft. Obama to Gitmo for Treason Pedo Satanic Ritual Abuse! At all times be very polite, do not get angry, or arrogant because if you do you might not be able to exchange or redeem and you will not be able to go to another center to do it. The testing director has the authority to scrap the approved testing plan and declare that his office has enough data to make an assessment of the programs combat effectiveness, which would clear the path for a final production decision. DOT&E reports that the facility is now more than six years behind schedule and that significant work remains before F-35 testing can be completed. Special Restored Republic via a GCR Report as of Thurs. Aaron Uncategorized September 13, 2021 2 Minutes. The open source and free curriculum for learning web development. On Tues. 20 April at 7:45 pm EST (2:45 am EST Iraq time Wed morning) the release was given by DoD & UST for Iraq to post the RV international rate in the Gazette. *On 20 Dec. 2020 President Trump was informed of tunnels buried two miles beneath Capitol Hill. All statements, claims, views and opinions that appear on this site are always presented as unverified and should be discerned by the reader. Mon. Delivered Wednesdays. OMI = ODIN (Omi is one of ODIN'S names)CROM: is a commanded to an operating system or server for a job that is to be Executed at Specified time. One of the tables omitted from the publicly released version detailed the fleets availability rates at each F-35 base. We need to continue to improve the functionality of ALIS in the near term, as we ensure that the ODIN structure that we put into place, from a hardware perspective, from a data environment perspective, and from a software perspective, is what the users need, Fick told lawmakers during the hearing. Our mission at Operation Disclosure is to get you up-to-date on the latest conspiracies and to provide raw unvetted information from various sources. The government could not competitively bid the lucrative sustainment contracts because no other firm could access the data they would need to do the job. The Odin Project provides a free open source coding curriculum that can be taken entirely online. Must be comprehensible Take all of you currencies with you starting with the highest down to the lowest. Let us fast and pray for these millions of little ones who were right now being rescued from Cabal underground tunnels across the globe, and tortured and killed by Satanic Covens right next door. 22 April Ward, Parkes, Mel K, Rodriguez Update: Mel K Joins Charlie Ward, Simon Parkes, & David Rodriguez for A Round Table On Fire! DOT&E once described the Joint Simulation Environment as the only venue available, other than actual combat against near-peer adversaries, to adequately evaluate the F-35 due to inherent limitations associated with open-air testing.. Its the information all public DOT&E reports have provided until now. The two US governments: (1) a legitimate Interim Military US Government empowered by the Constitution and the Department of Defense under Military Code 11.3, and (2) an illegal, fraudulent foreign paid-for, foreign controlled (on the foreign ground of the District of Columbia) Biden Administration. The simulated tests will only effectively show how well the F-35 will work in combat if the realism of the simulations is properly validated. Bond processing was finished by Sun. If you have Zim you will not be eligible for the contract rates on the Dinar or Dong. We do not endorse any opinions expressed on this website and we do not support, represent or guarantee the completeness, truthfulness, accuracy, or reliability of any content posted on this website. However, ODIN hardware development is moving forward. May 1. The world is connected. Designers validate the simulator by taking data gathered during real F-35 flights over test ranges. RAW: Dr. Colin Ross Robert David Steele. This is when Project Odin will be brought online along with the massive declassification and disclosure of incriminating proof of the cabal's many crimes, along with world changing knowledge and advanced technologies that have been kept from us by those in power through their corrupt abuses of classified secrecy. Despite all the positive activities, we underestimated the complexity of deprecating ALIS capabilities while migrating to ODIN and learned several important lessons, Fick said in April 22 testimony before the House Armed Services Committee. The Marine Corps fleet of short takeoff and landing F-35Bs and the Navys fleet of F-35Cs, which are tailored for use on aircraft carriers, lag far behind. As one former fighter pilot wrote, when a pilot doesnt get enough experience in the air, the likelihood they will be effective or even survive in combat drops precipitously.. In this context, the EU-funded ODIN project has identified 11 hospital care challenges that can be addressed by combining robotics, IoT and AI.