a. existential therapy b. free association c. mindfulness meditation d. gestalt therapy, 98. b. modeling. c. moderate to severe mental illness and a coexisting developmental disorder. A primary focus of the community mental health treatment approach to abnormality is: Understanding a person's unconscious processes is critical in explaining abnormality. Its popularity has declined since the 1960s and 1970s. Continuous or partial? b. psychoanalysis. In explaining why women are diagnosed with anxiety disorders and depression twice as often as men, multicultural therapists would focus on: prejudice and discrimination faced by women. c. extended psychoanalytic therapy. This approach to learning was called connectionism. It is difficult to research this perspective. Armed with this stunning revelation, Pavlov spent the rest of his career investigating the learning phenomenon. The objective of the Human Genome Project was to: a. clone a mammal. d. show unconditional positive regard for the clients statements. Charlotte feels a knot in her stomach when she enters a hospital to visit an ailing aunt. New evidence suggests nerve cell connections, nerve cell growth, and the functioning of nerve circuits have a major impact on depression and areas that play a significant role in depression are the amygdala, the thalamus, and the hippocampus. Also, individuals with borderline personality disorder have been shown to have structural and functional changes in brain areas associated with impulse control and emotional regulation, while imaging studies reveal differences in the frontal cortex and subcortical structures for those suffering from OCD. 155. a. Annually, approximately 100,000 undergo ECT to treat conditions such as severe depression, acute mania, suicidality, and some forms of schizophrenia. This is called the, Step 5 After a short time, the neuron can fire again, but needs greater than normal levels of stimulation to do so. 112. b. dendrites. Which type of theorist would focus on the athletes illogical thinking process as a key factor in her subsequent poor performance? After you perform poorly on the exam, you blame your professor. Rita is seeing a gestalt therapist because she has anxiety about confronting her sister regarding painful interactions from their childhood. c. Sessions are primarily conducted in a virtual environment. 159. Thats all right. Track the accuracy of the thought. Over time, he begins to understand how events in his early life have impacted how he functions now. 83. What about other students in the class that you know? The cat could escape the box and reach the food by manipulating a series of levers. When Mathias did not get a job for which he applied, he was sure that everything was going wrong, that his life was completely off track. Eventually the fact that no food comes will extinguish this reaction but still, it will be weird for a bit). c. manifest content. The goal of therapy is to wean patients from their childlike dependency on the therapist. c. double-blind studies. Operant conditioning. b. helping the client develop a stronger sense of self and rational thinking. Bertha (Anna O.) c. transference. The critical thing to understand here is that there is a belief in the realm of mental health that chemical imbalances are responsible for many mental disorders. In the case of when, it will be either fixed or at a set rate, or variable and at a rate that changes. Conditioning, or a type of associative learning, occurs when two separate events become connected. A person with a controlling mother is getting help. Men with mental illnesses are also less likely to have received mental health treatment than women in the past year. Humans are born with freedom, yet do not 'naturally' strive to reach their full growth potential. The person in the back could also be shy and prefer sitting there so that s/he does not need to chat with others as much. a. avoidance b. illogical c. safety d. exposure, 96. There are two main ways they can present themselves. a. a persons moral compass b. the prefrontal cortex c. a persons libido d. ego defense mechanisms. 165. A family systems theorist might suggest that Robin comes from a(n) _____ family. a. low activity of GABA b. absence of dopamine c. low activity of serotonin d. excessive activity of norepinephrine. The drug causes severe vomiting if a person drinks alcohol while taking the drug. Evidence of the effectiveness of psychodynamic therapy comes from: a. natural observation. If we are not motivated to perform an observed behavior, we probably will not show what we have learned. In explaining why women are diagnosed with anxiety disorders and depression twice as often as men, multicultural therapists would focus on: a. the biological differences between men and women. c. phallic stage. c. drugs are not very effective in the treatment of abnormal behavior. In Banduras experiment, children were first brought into a room to watch a video of an adult playing nicely or aggressively with a Bobo doll, which provided a model. b. give insightful interpretations of the clients statements. By pairing a neutral stimulus and unconditioned stimulus (bell and food, respectively), the dog will learn that the bell ringing (NS) signals food coming (UCS) and salivate (UCR). d. acceptance and commitment, 97. Borderline personality disorder has also been found to be higher in people in low-income brackets (Tomko et al., 2012) and group differences for personality disorders have been found between African and European Americans (Ryder, Sunohara, and Kirmayer, 2015). She has developed depression due to a serotonin deficiency. It handles the CNSs input and output and divides into the somatic and autonomic nervous systems. d. people can inherit physical but not mental capacities. Glial cells are support cells in the nervous system that serve five main functions: Finally, nerves are a group of axons bundled together like wires in an electrical cable. The type of reinforcer or punisher we use is crucial. d. develop depression that requires hospitalization. d. use conscious thought as a means to decrease physiological signs of anxiety. All of the models include an element of the biological model. The six models of abnormality are biological, psychodynamic, cognitive-behavioral, humanistic-existential, sociocultural, and developmental psychopathology perspective. Researchers who have looked into the link between religious devotion and psychological well-being have come to the following conclusion that: a. b. hypotheses. Finally, does uncertainty always lead to a negative end? d. classical conditioning. The drug eliminates the biological urge to drink alcohol. They also have not developed much in the way of theory, and the perspectives tend to work best with people suffering from adjustment issues and not as well with severe mental illness. In contrast, Thanatos, our death instinct, is either directed inward as in the case of suicide and masochism or outward via hatred and aggression. Which of the following is an argument of critics of the evolutionary perspective? Criticisms. Each paradigm focuses mainly on one aspect of human functioning. b. cognitive-behavioral Recall that a neuron is usually at resting potential and polarized. 50. You might say neurotransmitters are part of a lock-and-key system. Simply, she placed the child in one end of a room and then brought in the rabbit. c. identified an external source as the cause of abnormal behavior. c. emphasizes the importance of having a positive outlook. For social skills training, identify the appropriate social behavior such as making eye contact, saying no to a request, or starting up a conversation with a stranger and determine whether the client is inhibited from making this behavior due to anxiety. Someone who studies the _____ model of abnormality focuses on how values and choices affect behavior. Step 6 Please note that this process is cyclical. c. who believe in a higher being are the healthiest. She has developed depression due to a serotonin deficiency. d. fixation. Robin struggles to make decisions about romantic partners, jobs, and even what to wear. a. existential b. humanistic c. sociocultural d. behavior-focused, 139. c. humanistic-existential However, she went to the restroom to change instead. This information is passed to the nervous system due to the process of transduction and through sensory or afferent neurons, which are part of the peripheral nervous system. Clarify how environmental factors affect mental illness. d. secondary process thought. A story will illustrate the latter. Marie comes from a supportive, loving family and has a stable socioeconomic background. c. children who very seldom fight. c. The underlying assumptions of each model are the same. PSY 381 Chapter 2 Flashcards | Quizlet Freud believed that the three central forces that shape the personality were: a. instincts, the ego, and the self. The defense mechanism that BEST explains this behavior is: a. intellectualization. A psychologist from which background would agree MOST strongly with this statement? b. b. cognitive-behavioral The axon sends signals/information to neighboring neurons while the dendrites, which resemble little trees, receive information from neighboring neurons. b. d. Freud. b. secondary prevention. Cognition-focused theorists would say that Johannahs depression results in large part from: We should also note the existence of non-associative learning or when there is no linking of information or observing the actions of others around you. When Mathias did not get a job for which he applied, he was sure that everything was going wrong, that his life was completely off track. What are some issues facing the biological model? This single factor explanation is called a uni-dimensional model. What is important to mental health professionals is some disorders involve specific areas of the brain. Her symptoms appeared as she cared for her dying father, and her mother called on Breuer to diagnosis her condition (note that Freud never actually treated her). In 1935, Bertha was diagnosed with a tumor, and in 1936, she was summoned by the Gestapo to explain anti-Hitler statements she had allegedly made. b. the pleasure principle. This is a physical aspect of what disease? She died shortly after this interrogation on May 28, 1936. 64. None of the models are complete within themselves. If a mother seems excessively involved in her childs life such that the two do not seem to be independent people, their relationship is said to be: a. externalized. The four main models to explain psychological abnormality are the biological, behavioural, cognitive, and psychodynamic models. c. role-playing. b. b. Which model of abnormality cites physical processes as being the key to behavior? In 1895, the book, Studies on Hysteria, was published by Josef Breuer (1842-1925) and Sigmund Freud (1856-1939), and marked the birth of psychoanalysis, though Freud did not use this actual term until a year later. Of course, most people do not experience this but instead are made to feel that they can only be loved and respected if they meet certain standards, called conditions of worth. b. axons. Which type of psychodynamic therapy encourages therapists to disclose things about themselves? The psychologist who would MOST closely agree with this statement would be described as: a. behavioral. The disadvantages should outweigh the advantages and help you to end the struggle and accept what is unknown. d. only one factorstress or predispositionis necessary for abnormality to occur. They add, Oftentimes someone being treated with CBT will have homework in between sessions where they practice replacing negative thoughts with more realistic thoughts based on prior experiences or record their negative thoughts in a journal. For more on CBT, visit: https://www.nami.org/About-Mental-Illness/Treatments/Psychotherapy. d. humanistic. Which statement is TRUE regarding the models of abnormality? Hypnosis was used at first and relieved her symptoms, as it had done for many patients (See Module 1). a. Since you dont have time, you decide to study only for the classes in which the teacher provided a study guide. c. resistance. First, free association involves the patient describing whatever comes to mind during the session. d. humanistic. The good thing is that what is learned can be unlearned or relearned through behavior modification, the process of changing behavior. The principle of multifinality emphasizes that: a. stress is the primary factor leading to abnormality. Treatment starts with determining situations in which assertiveness is lacking and developing a hierarchy of assertiveness opportunities. Freud said this resistance revealed where issues persisted. In other words, we assume the person who cut us off is an idiot (dispositional) and do not consider that maybe someone in the car is severely injured and this person is rushing them to the hospital (situational). Respondent conditioning (also called classical or Pavlovian conditioning) occurs when we link a previously neutral stimulus with a stimulus that is unlearned or inborn, called an unconditioned stimulus. These words have no affective connotation to them, meaning they do not imply good or bad. The defense mechanism that BEST explains this behavior is: Nikolai's grandmother has just baked cookies and is placing them on a cooling rack. This represents the individual pairings of a feared object or situation and relaxation. List and describe the models of abnormality. d. caution the patient against using religious-based counseling services. d. encourages individuals to share information with the group. In the case of borderline personality disorder, many people report experiencing traumatic life events such as abandonment, abuse, unstable relationships or hostility, and adversity during childhood. Module 2: Models of Abnormal Psychology by Washington State University is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted. d. discounted the concept of abnormality and focused on acceptance.