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Not everybody looks like the Marlboro Man especially women. I havent noticed, but Ill be sure to listen for it now. Good for you for boycotting some of these advertisers. Im of the belief that our brains wont simply rewire from group and gather tendencies, no matter how hard we try. In fact, according to this survey from YouGovAmerica, Muslims account for just 1 percent of the U.S. population. Along with blacks dominating advertisements and all the new sitcoms, they have black only cable channels, black award shows, black history month, black music appreciation month, Martin Luther King day (instead of honoring all civil rights marchers). On YouTube Ive got the remote ready as soon as they say I can skip ads and usually have the sound down and am looking away at my laptop until its over, but still. Thank you for your candor, Elizabeth. I have just about quit watching network television. Come on men! I think its funny imaging these losers making 6-7+ figures/yr patting themselves on the back for paying a black actor (probably less than they used to pay whites) to be in their boring commercials as if that can assuage their guilt. I think they must have passed a law, or something. Not only that, but I see very few women who look like me. factswhich the left say is RACISM and they hate facts: Patrick West Columnist 31st August 2017 Share Topics Politics According to a report in The Times on Saturday, advertisers. Personally, Id like to see the government reclassify these high-tech companies designations changed to utilities which would most certainly stop them from censoring the public as public utilities are forbidden to do any kind of censorship. But if they are patient enough, they will finally find this one I do hear them complaining that TV commercials seem to be promoting an agenda rather than reflecting real life. I just saw three commercials in a row with mixed-race (black/white) couples/families, including at least one with kids and one with an attractive black woman dating a doofy-looking, ginger-haired white guy. I hope that we can stop going down this road before its too late. And it is not just advertising. But a breakfast cereal company? Then speak clearly to that audience and deliver faithfully on brand promise. Every single night, there is a shooting/homicide. Now, most corporations wouldnt piss on you for $12 billion. Culture war, definitely. I live in Canada and its the exact same thing here as well, 73% of the population is white yet nearly all our advertising features mixed-race couples predominantly with a white female and black or now sometimes Indian spouse, and mixed children, but it gets worse. It MIGHT be saying, instead, that there is no way any one is taking a chance to piss off a black Karen who thinks the buffoon or clueless black person is a form of a micro-aggression, or subtle racism, or some baloney like that! Personally I dont know of any white people that held a gun to any of their heads and kept them from going to school or getting a job. I dont post racist or incentive posts or replies, dont promote violent or Illegal activity, no abusive language or hate speech. Just saw two in a row with black families. I was brought up to love everyone, but enough of these commercials. People are getting tired of BLM and lgbtq. A very simple chromosome test is all that is needed. Sound familiar, folks? Forced diversity. Why Is Diversity Important In Advertising? | Channel Factory Amen Robert! Click the DOWNLOAD NOW button for the full report. I love this comment. Almost an Agenda. Its all so twisted, isnt it? My wife and I often wonder doesnt this also have an immediate negative effect? Oh, I dont know, Anna. Once in college and law school there were special tutorial programs for every race but white. Males of all ages have been deemed toxic for years, and our education systems, particularly our public schools and universities, continue to work feverishly toward their as you say pussification. Agreed on all points! Remember the Starbucks red cup debacle from a few years back? I suggested it as further reading for all. T his report from ANA's Alliance for Inclusive and Multicultural Marketing (AIMM), based on three separate studies among ANA members, concludes that women overwhelmingly comprise the bulk of the marketing industry's workforce and at the senior leadership level, female representation is now likely at an all-time . But yeah certain minorities are very vocal and loud about how any little thing is racist, and thats the problem. Just last week, I read an article about how Hollywoods woke movie-makers are starting to notice that their films are bombing. If they fail, they will ultimately find themselves facing justice for their many crimes and forced to pay for their misdeeds. I certainly do think the under currents in all of this are more sinister forces that have been playing the long game for decades. Not to mention the actual equipment all a financial burden on the parents. The comments to the thread are right on the money too. Teaching that erotic lust and egoism is the highest achievement of mankind. As a guy who runs a blog focused on advertising, I feel compelled to follow the social media accounts of industry trade publications such as Ad Age, Adweek, and Digiday. The BLM movement really made an impact on the American psyche. Im grateful that I was dating and selecting a spouse in a time when men had enough testosterone and muscular build in them that I felt they could defend me if needed. Thank you Cranky Creative for your courage. Corporations ran the world and kept people controlled with mindless TV as one mechanism. Ive been playing the video game Watch Dogs: Legion, an open-world adventure set in near-future London where it seems 80 percent of the pedestrian population is Muslim or black African. One of the best ways to portray diversity in your marketing is to use real customers and . After being pressured to leave Germany in the early 1930s, they came here. Here in the Cranky household, we dont turn ours on unless its to stream old movies or TV shows we like. As to the why of it all, Im still looking for a good answer myself. I just press the mute button and minimize the picture in the corner of the screen until it is over. While I can certainly appreciate the occasional clever attempt to subvert traditional gender roles in TV commercials, it becomes a problem when the majority of ads go out of their way to push agendas focused on race and gender. Blacks are slowly and methodically destroying this country theyve already poisoned the minds of all of our kids. (Hello, New Jake from State Farm.). Right, who are very zen, too. A bleakness akin to socialism. Im wondering what the solutions could be? Unfortunately African Americans in the inner cities are at a great disadvantage to develop positive Motivational Values for at least three reasons. Is it some sort of long-overdue come-uppance for having built the modern world we live in today? Ladies and gentlemen, I am going to re-read this frank and insightful comment again probably a few times and I encourage you to do the same. One of the things that concerns me most about this topic is how many brainwashed people are so eager to dismiss us the people who dare to speak out about the ridiculous mishandling of representation in advertising, entertainment, etc. . But even before that, we had the social justice movement which fostered entitlement in some groups and programmed so many young white people to feel guilty about being white. This is not realistic or representative. Could black players in the NHL then foot the bill for this? For more information about this processing of personal data, check our Privacy and Cookie Policy. Say, did you see that someone blew up the Georgia Guidestones the other day? Black Rock? I am glad The Awakening is happening Im just worried that it might be too late. It would be like running ads that showed aging college professors using your outdoor gear because theyre under represented and, you know, there are analytics that show they are 1.3% of the buying group. Always appreciate your thoughtful comments. Me, I think Ive just hit a personal milestone. Forced diversity is not working for me. Its usually because no one on the marketing campaign asked POC hikers about their hiking experiences. People dont have the stomach for it; they dont have any alternative brands to turn to; and in the end, its probably just not worth the time. Generation to generation. But now we have this transgendering mushroom cloud appearing. I am so sick and tired of seeing that one race on TV all day!! I am completely disappointed over everything happening. I do NOT watch any commercials anymore. Youre spot on Sharon its really sad to see that the woke/cancel culture society is promoting this rubbish on the Caucasian culture its far from reality and its only going to promote division within our society . I could give hundreds of examples, but a couple of recent examples jump to mind. Thats a pretty good take, Anonymous. They earn the most per capita and have the highest education by race. James Gilbert, CloudCherry, 13. The only way out I see is to try and make these companies (including your catalog company) pay a price for their actions. Also, try to find episodes of Max Headroom from the 1980s, early 90s. that detergent is not that good, but that is besides the point. #HockeyIsForEveryone #NHLPride, Jack Posobiec (@JackPosobiec) November 22, 2022. Thanks for speaking up, Jake. The only time I saw a woman with my body type, it was a prescription medicine ad, the actress was Black, and she was power-walking and doing healthy activities to lose weight. We were told that race could and should be used as a tie breaker when choosing between two otherwise equal job candidates. And that, right now, is one of the biggest reasons the world is such a hot mess right now. Gay Couple spends time together outdoors. Diversity Is the Future some complain about the fast food ads, and some (or ONE person who wrote an opinion piece?) For interested Cranky readers, Kris is talking about the Federal Reserve System, a central bank which despite its name is neither federal nor a reserve, and the creation of which in 1913 introduced in the United States a debt-slave system from which we can never get out. Thank you so much Cranky for your article. They are trying to do this to push off the negative view of investment houses after the crash. Some brands are particularly popular with people of different races. If you forced an alien to consume a years worth of American media, he would come to the conclusion that the country is about 40% black or mulatto, 25% Jewish, 25% gentile white, and 10% other (hispanic, asian, native american). Its quite obvious the liberal clowns are trying to portray white men as stupid and weak. Its as if blonde men are too representative of the old America, and therefore are not shown. Unfortunately, it will probably take a violent upheaval to reverse everything. In Unforgiven he made a vow to his wife not to be violent but when his black partner is killed he goes crazy for revenge. Quite a few brands have been making a point in recent years to show more natural-looking women in body-inclusive advertising. I am glad I am not the only one who has noticed this trend lately. Believe it or not, the United States of America is one of the *least* racist countries on the face of the earth. Great post, Anonymous. I dont know how any young women these days can even be attracted to the opposite sex anymore since there seems to be nothing but a slightly more boyish version of themselves to choose from. Advertising isnt doing the people or themselves any favors. We will never be rid of it. Yes, you can find the odd article here and there, or an occasional thread on a discussion forum. Same with EastwoodDirty Harry throws away his badge at the end of the movieand in other Eastwood filmstheres usually a negative compromise. Its going to have an impact on how people vote. Plan to go the distance or dont go at all. Theres nothing like a hay-bale-throwin, truck driven guy who know how to fix things! However, our economy is run on the almighty dollar so I put my wallet behind the advertisers and products that cater and interest me. I blame them for many of societys ills. Agreed, Dave. Overcasting Black folks is simply an effort to keep themselves employed. I dont even knowdont they think some black people might be offended by these commercials, like theyre being white-washed, for lack of a better term? What does this say about women who arent blonde white models? Just imagine the amount of fear, uncertainty, doubt, disingenuousness, and follow-the-leader mentality that must pervade todays advertising agencies and marketing departments. I think the problem for most people comes when they perceive that brands and advertisers are purposefully using their commercials to push social and political agendas. just non-existent, unless shes a messy haired buffoon being dumb and not realizing her detergent is mostly all water and so does not work as well as Tide. He may be referring to an ordinance passed by politicians in San Francisco that allows shoplifters to steal up to a thousand dollars worth of merchandise (I think thats the amount) without being arrested. I had that same thought- and Im a white woman! The company head recently announced plans for their search engine to suppress results they dont like, just like Google does. Let them buy all the advertisers wares. Are they implying 3% of their passengers are white, straight males? Maybe, we should all stop buying products from any of these companies that use these tactics and the governments now need to intervene to stop this escalating further as this will cause issues, Yeah, I understand things are as bad or worse in the UK, Ian. Levin is probably the smartest, most observant, most literate social/political commentator out there. Where are the Asians? Theyre starting to wonder if pushing all of these agendas might just be costing them money. Interesting, RPD. That think our lives are for their amusement and manipulation. The reason they look so out of place is not because POC dont enjoy a good hike. Jake from State Farm is laughable too. Exactly! Alas, the way advertisers misrepresent their audiences insults us all. I used to work in IT and whenever there was a black hiring manager, theyd hire 75-80% black employees. . The remote is the best thing invented and silence is golden. Walt Disney did not have a problem depicting masculine heroes. This is the greatest country on earth !! And not created and shown exponentially more than they are present in the real world in order to enforce an agenda and brainwash the populace. However, it can be difficult to incorporate diversity in a way that feels authentic, rather than a forced reply to a growing demand. I dont care if you want to throw in a black family here and there on TV but leaving out all whites and other races for that matter, is not diversity! Forced Diversity is a buzzword thrown by bigots to rationalize critiques against works featuring diverse people on the merit that diverse people make a work "worse." Man, this country is in the toilet now. . It really doesnt matter to me what race a person is in a commercial. option. It would seem that racism is alive and well, and Im not just talking among white people. I dont hear white people complaining about that. The lgbtg is nothing but a cult and BLM is a terrorist group. And I believe wholeheartedly that if an advertiser wants to go after a certain demographic with an ad or ad campaign, it should be their prerogative to do so. Together, the masculine and feminine complement one another in ways that only nature could have devised. These companies didnt get the message, so now boycotts and canceled subscriptions are hurting their bottom lines. I grew up in a Texas County with a 62% black population. But leave me out of it. Appreciate your thoughts, Robert. Sixty percent of American consumers consider diversity in advertising to be important and a further 40% have turned away from brands they felt weren't inclusive in their advertising. I think many of us would agree that it does none of us any good for advertisers to continue to push such silly and unrealistic representations of people of different races. If they succeed in overthrowing the Constitution and establishing the communist hellhole they are aiming for, they will be the first ones murdered by the new tyrants. Todays advertising presents black people precisely as a monolithic group of affluent, sensible (compared to their white counterparts) folks who love camping in the back yard and reading bedtime stories to their kids. In advertising, as in culture, the US still struggles with diversity Also note that Americans happily and overwhelmingly voted for this black man to be their president. Would love to hear from others about this. It is the same with Russia, because they have no control there. The Davos crowd is trying to destroy America because our Christianity and freedom-loving traditions stand in their way. While 10% of all new marriages are interracial, only 1% are black/white marriages. Back in the 1980s, I read several papers on how Americas changing demographics was going to leave any corporate players who didnt get on board with the new normal of the time at a distinct disadvantage in this profitable market segment. Youre right. You have it made! There were some American actors like Lex Barker and Ken Clarkbig mennot ever going to be mistaken for womenand they went to Europe to work because it was more traditionalmen were masculine and women were feminine (although they also made women-led action movies-Hollywood didnt catch on to this trend except in comedy films). I also firmly believe my feedback would get screened out by a cube dwelling liberal. Im all for diversity but like the author points out, the numbers dont reflect reality. 3. My television watching consists primarily of Green Acres and Hogans Heroes on METV, but that doesnt exempt me from the awful ads misrepresenting the public. Hi, Dave. You can use polls, surveys and other review processes to ensure that the groups you are representing relate to and approve of your messaging. I went on a two month road trip Nov-Dec. 2020. But to look at these commercials youd think that 90% of the country was black and theyre only casting commercials to reflect the demographics. First they went after the church, then it was the nuclear family and now it is men in general- all to be replaced by the State according to the edicts of the long march through our institutions begun by the Frankfurt School. I dont need to tell you that we live in a hyper-politically-correct society. 59% of people say they are more loyal to brands that stand for diversity and inclusion in online advertising. Not like I am an advocate for blonde men or anything but more just an observation. Used to be, advertisers/retail corporations avoided controversy at all costs dont disturb any portion of the buying public. Its like a masturbatory fantasy for some people. Also, they rarely riot and burn down cities. Nissan had an ad last year that I found annoying in great part because it had an unmistakably white boy call a black woman mom, but also seemed to be advocating the idea that women are all poor drivers. Companies purporting to care about progressive values are really doing nothing more than striking a superficial pose meant to signal virtue while distracting from any companys true motive: financial gain for shareholders.. I just turn the sound down and walk out of the room. We are in deep shit. Where I come from, the news has been doing that for years. But I hesitated because I wasnt 100% sure of Robs politics/social outlook. It is not uncommon for all adverts in one break to have no white males at all. A grain based breakfast most certainly ISNT healthy. Watching commercials on ABC and NDC, I was shocked to learn that ~70% of black families drive Lexus SUVs and live in McMansions, because every commercial I see portrays this to be just normal everyday life in America. So teaching your kids manners is racist now apparently. Below, they share their best tips for doing so. How many rainbow-colored logos did you see in June? This is the new WOKE CULTURE we are dealing with right now. The problem as I see it is that black people are the most racist people there is. His firm is huge, and he sees his responsibility in the industry to promote diversity. And I thought I was the only one who noticed the disappearance of white males! These companies are so worried that their Hispandering will all be wasted if someone doesnt realize that the people in the commercial are Latino that they have to yell out loud to consumers : Look, we care about Latinos, too!. I read with great interest everyones comments here and certainly see that I am not alone in noticing this current activity in the advertising world (not a trend as this exploded on the scene during the summer of 2020). Well, I was so upset that I decided to fight fire with fire. Always good to hear from you, Robert. 2. I could go on. Now that weve created the world its time for those who sat back and enjoyed the fruits of our labor to take over and disappear us! For most of us, the reality we see in our daily lives looks nothing like the contrived bullshit we see on our TV screens, and while the endless assault has gotten very tiring, very fast, Im not sure that any amount of protest, boycotting, or letter-writing is going to change a thing. This just divides the people. Boycott the ads and dont buy the products. Yes, I agree, this absurd level of over-, under, and misrepresentation in ads would have been brand suicide in saner times. For instance: the commercial for a deodorant applied to the butt-cheeks where the spokestool says Im not a mathematician but 5/10 is greater than 0/10. ~insipid. But one analysis that does spring to mind is this thread on Reddit in which the topic creator recorded the race of all 433 actors in Super Bowl 2022 commercials and compared the percentages to the actual U.S. population. Ive seen plenty of representation of women in hijab, though. And therefore will feel comfortable buying products from companies that support diversity. However, that does not explain why they ignore the 80% of whites that are the current and future customer of these products. How TV ads perpetuate anti-Black racism - Quartz Its called brainwashing. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Uncle (no picture! Amen! Reflect the realness of your customers in every ad and diversity will naturally follow. Youre right, Richey, theres definitely a feeling of fatigue setting in, and not just among whites. Very well said! Its not about having the income to buy these nice things, but are these actually reflecting the priorities and choices of black Americans? In Europe they didnt have a problem with a blonde male lead who was strong-looking. That is my decision and I am very happy about it!! Ive never seen anyone other than a white male actor cast as a burglar in a home security commercial. Blacks are way, way over represented and it has turned me off to a point where I will not purchase from these heavy handed advertisers. I understand what my staff is going through; I dont have to conduct research studies. These include cookies that allow you to be remembered as you explore the site within a single session or, if you request, from session to session. My wife and I have been noticing this trend increasing (obviously in the wake of #me-too and George Floyd) and have been calling bullshit on it since. This is an expansion on the magic negro trope. Why is every commercial have blacks and gay people and interracial marriages. But even worse is what went on before, during, and after the three matches Serena Williams played. You drive by every day and dont notice it. Spot on! Life imitates art. As an aside, Im not sure why the above article suggests that blacks shouldnt be depicted in commercials doing white things, that they should be depicted doing black things. I do believe that their day will come sooner than they think. As is Jardiance Ron. Hes whiter than just about any white person you know. On the other hand EVERYTHING makes perfect sense to us conspiracy theorists because many of us have been studying the Master Plan for 30, even 40 years. . In answer to your question, its both. Take this recent tweet from Adweek promoting an article condemning Western brands and advertisers for overlooking the vast and diverse Muslim population and thus contributing to the proliferation of stereotypes and prejudice.