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When Ezra realized his actions, he wondered what was wrong. The compromised droid-ensnared by the Controller-tricked the crew into entering the cargo hold, and attempted to jettison them into space. Maul's partner, Nuray, understands. They succeeded in this mission, despite Ezra's ineptitude with a jetpack, due in part to the timely arrival of Clan Kryze and its leader Bo-Katan. With no means of reaching Rebel Command, the group soon set their sights on a Mining Guild Ore Crawler. After rescuing Ahsoka, Ezra joined the rest of his crew ahead of the assault on Lothal. Judging Sabine's skills to be wanting, Kanan instructed Sabine to practice with Ezra. Barris. The Toy Maker mused. During her report on Rau though, she suggested destroy the Protectors' Fang Fighters so theyno longer posed a threat to the fleet, since she had tracked them to the third moon of Concord Dawn. That time has passed. The Jedi and the Republic never fell, Anakin didn't fall and Palpatine in dead. He used his various odds and ends of tools and junk to pick locks, and he used street smarts and his skills in free-running to make quick escapes. Ezra continued his Jedi training under Kanan and was instructed to levitate Chopper with the Force. However, the attempted rescue was in vain when they discovered that Luminara was dead and her remains were set up by The Grand Inquisitor as bait to lure any surviving Jedi to their end. Error 404 73 parts Ongoing Mature He escaped with Zeb and returned to the Ghost. On the way, Ezra encountered Chopper, who had managed to send a distress signal and find a Sheathipede-class Shuttles. But if the rebel Jedi alone stole the ships on a planet controlled by the Empire, that wouldn't happen. Suddenly, the two were surrounded by Krykna Spiders. After the events of empire day, kanan and Ezra head to an asteroid and the inquisitor shows up who will survive who will fall to the dark. Despite his increased skill, however, he was still vastly outclassed by more experienced opponents such as Vader, and even commented while watching him and Ahsoka battle that "I need a lot more training!" After arriving at the Senate building using the sewers as a secret shortcut, the group was attacked by the Empire and they fled where they came with Trayvis in their custody. Running on fumes, the rebels arrived at the asteroid belt of where the Guild's Gas Refinery was, but due to the field scrambling their sensors finding the facility would not be easy. This message's existence can only mean that the Sith won. In order to get to the Ghost without raising suspicion, Ezra helped Ryder fake Leia's abduction and asked Zeb "knock out" him and Kanan and take them "prisoner" aboard the ship. When the Rebellion began suffering a fuel crisis, the Ghost crew was sent to retrieve a refining fuel meant for the Empire from a mining organization known as the Mining Guild, which was enough shipment to fuel the rebel fleet for a full cycle. Breaking Down the Peter Pan & Wendy Trailer. Later, Ezra caught sight of the Hound's Tooth and met the bounty hunter Bossk, who hired him as a guide to Ake's Tavern. When Hera assigned Sabine, Zeb, and Chopper to retrieve supplies from an abandoned Republic medical station, Ezra snuck off with them to avoid getting involved in Kanan and Rex's argument over lack of discipline and plenty of wits. After splitting up, Ezra regrouped with Zeb who was flying stolen TIE Fighter and flew away. Ezra Bridger (codename Spectre 6) was a young Force -sensitive human street urchin living on the streets of the Imperial-controlled planet Lothal 's Capital City trying to survive by crime until he was taken in by Kanan Jarrus, becoming his Jedi apprentice and a part of the Ghost crew 's Rebellion against the Empire . While Ezra was momentarily coerced by the Sith, Kanan was able to see through the ruse and following Mauls attempted murder of the Jedi for his insolence Ezra never trusted the Sith again. left kudos on this work. What happens when you have a padawan attracted to danger and power and one dominant sith lord.Or what happened during chapter 9 of Shadow Eminence. Ezra and Zeb expressed interest in accompanying him for the mission, but Kanan planned to go alone because he didn't want to risk any more of his crew members. While waiting aboard an Alderaan Cruiser, Ezra and Kanan received word that Sabine had managed to infiltrate the Academy. Believing that one of the prisoners could help them find Ezra's parents, Kanan instructed his apprentice to use the Force to probe the list with his vision. Luckily, Hera had some good news. The following day, Ezra and the other crew members returned after Zeb contacted them to report an incident the previous night. How Long Can They Keep Their Relationship A Secret From The Rest Of The Crew. Ezra rejoined his rebel companions after bidding the pirate farewell. Shortly later, Ezra and his fellow rebels were attacked by several Rodian Mining Guild guards. Together, the rebels made their way inside the prison and found Hondo's cell. At Thrawn's orders, Ezra pretended to apprehend Hera and followed them to Thrawn's office. Chopper wanted to leave but Ezra told him to get the shuttle ready while he fetched the others. As planned, Ezra gave the device to Chopper, who then passed it Sabine and Zeb so that they could transmit the coordinates of the kyber crystal to Kanan and Hera, who managed to intercept and destroy the Imperial convoy transporting it. Ezra informed Marida that her husband had died during the mission. Ezra and Darth Maul in Star Wars: Rebels via Disney Plus. By the end of the series, Ezra has the full gambit of Jedi abilities, which include enhanced jumping, running, and awareness, but also more specialized abilities like premonitions, force shields, enhanced telepathy, and even the Sith version of the Jedi mind trick, which is akin to full blown possession. After sending the Wookiees on their way, Ezra returned to his tower on Lothal with Kanan's lightsaber. "What if I was huh? Since his blinding, Kanan had become very detached, distancing himself from both his friends and the Force. Ezra openly questioned Zeb's decision in the presence of the other team members. This gave Ezra and his fellow rebels the window they needed to escape aboard the Ghost. Unable to hold out anymore, the two rebels fled back to the Ghost on the magnetic cable system. Once on the bridge, Ezra used his strong empathic abilities to summon a pod of Purgil (essentially warp drive using space whales) to transport the Imperial fleet himself included as far away from Lothal as possible. Hearing Ahsokas voice, Ezra sought her out and found the moment just before Vader struck her down. Zeb was despondent because he could not come along and had to stay behind with Chopper and AP-5. clonetrooper insert starwars +2 more # 11 Hera and Ezra One-Shots by BLUB 66.4K 1.8K 65 He began learning Telekinesis under Kanan and first used the Force Push against Kallus to save Zeb. Nearby, an Imperial light cruiser was coming after them, but Ezra Force-pushed a TIE bomber that Sabine rigged with explosives out of the carrier and let it drift toward the pursuer. After everything they'd been through, the two of them had now developed a friendship. One day, at the Capital City spaceport, Ezra was selling tickets for a Gladiator Night match between a Houk named Borbig Drob and a Feeorin named Warjak when Moreena came by and told him that she and her family were leaving for Alderaan to live with her grandmother due to the Empire, and bade farewell to him. Chopper issued a belated warning about the slip-in, for which Ezra sarcastically thanked the droid. What are you going to do about it? Through the Dark Side of the Force, he summoned a much larger Fyrnock and commanded it to attack The Grand Inquisitor. Despite Bendu's warning not to turn around, Kanan and Ezra turned to discover that Maul was watching them on a sand dune. Though he fought to the end when the Empire attacked the royal palace, Lasan was lost and most of the Lasat were killed by a nuclear bomb. This allowed the Ghost to approach the bay. However, the two rebels managed to hold on to their rope and were pulled aboard the Ghost by Kanan. He and Kanan used their Force powers to levitate the Temple open, causing it to reveal another entrance. Rau told him that the Mandalorians had fought for centuries. Hope you like it. Comments are love they give me life.They also motivate me to write. Ezra Bridger began his training to become an Inquisitor when he was seven years old, right after his parents were killed for treason and down one arm. With Sabine's help, Ezra was able to activate a gateway leading into the temple. ), leading into the upcoming Ahsoka series. Kanan doesn't expect to come across a former Inquisitor slaying their once master. There, Ezra discovered that Maul had been preparing for a ritual and had amassed a great deal of objects from his past including the Darksaber. Upon awaking, the Ghost crew found themselves in unknown space but sighted Lirasan in the horizon and Zeb left on the Phantom to drop Gron and Chava there. Frustrated with Kanan's training methods, Sabine stormed off in rage to spend some time alone. Ezra Bridger/Relationships | Star Wars Rebels Wiki | Fandom An argument quickly broke out between Padawan and Master when Kanan reprimanded his apprentice for dabbling with the Sith holocron, and proceeded to take the device. Then, Agent Kallus' light cruiser emerged behind them thanks to a captured Hondo's assistance with a tracker the pirate place on the communications device he gave Ezra. They managed to remove a magno-mine that Konstantine had attached to the Sato's Hammer. While Chava and Gron elected to stay behind on their new home, Zeb decided to return to the Ghost resolving to bring more Lasat to Lirasan as he, Ezra, and their rebel companions departed via a safe route that Hera had plotted through the star cluster. Prior to a mission, Ezra and Kanan have a discussion, which ends up with Kanan blaming Ezra for everything. Ezra can't undo the things he's done, but he can stop his past from ruining the future. nigun music free downloads; teen girl in sexy lingerie; Related articles; najed young girl; mxq r 4k rockchip firmware rk3228a sv6051p; girls from heaven porn. Will they find their team mate? Part 3 of my Mustafar Ezra au! Unfortunately, Sabine discovered that Wolffe had secretly contacted the Empire and hidden Ahsoka's communications with the clones. Ahsoka added that they were seeking knowledge that would help them to defeat the Inquisitors' Sith masters. When Ezra asked Maul how he had found them, Maul replied that Ezra's abrupt severance of the holocron connection had caused both to see fragments of each other's visions. This news came as a shock to Kanan, who was unaware that there was more than one Inquisitor. But when Ezra hears a strange, supernatural whisper calling his name, it gives him an addictive power over Thrawn one he doesnt have the strength to resist for long. By then, Phoenix Squadron had completed the evacuation of rebel sympathizers on Mykapo. Turn me in? In a manner of minutes, the Phantom is gone. Later, Sato dispatched the Ghost Crew and Phoenix Squadron to Mykapo to evacuate rebel sympathizers prior to an impending Imperial crackdown. Meanwhile the ghost crew are searching everywhere to find Ezra. "I think you broke him, Ezra." When Ezra said that was not true, Sabine told him that he did not know her and opined that she would be unable to lead her people if she did not resolve her family problems. statute of limitations to challenge a deed. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. The Ghost Crew rescued Cham and Numa from being pursued by Imperial forces and evacuated them and their Blurrg steeds aboard the Ghost. Following Kallus' instructions, Ezra, Kanan, and Chopper commandeered an AT-DP walker and exited the east gate. Ezra used the Force to grab it and Sabine managed to shoot down the droid. His disappearance at the end of the series left fans dying for his live-action debut, which will reportedly come with the release of Ahsoka in 2023. 3 years. When Sabine remarked that the ship was in a state of disarray, Ezra cautioned her to be careful not to upset the crew. Evading the seeker droid and the Inquisitors, the Jedi rendezvoused with Zeb in an apartment room, but Ezra's presence unsettled the child since he could sense the teenager's fear, thus alerting the Inquistors of their presence. However, upon returning to the rebel fleet, the Chopper revealed that a tracker had just activated on the shuttle, which allowed Darth Vader to follow them. They made a run for it back to the ship but Ezra was captured by ISB Agent Kallus and left behind by Zeb. Puzzled on what kind of trouble the Rodian was in, Ezra headed back to his tower to think about it until he heard his parents' voices calling out to him through the Force and realized what the only place he could find Tseebo was: his shuttered family home. It all started on the first day of summera simple rose and note was placed on the welcome mat. Soon Anakin becomes a knight and gets his own Padawan named Ahsoka but she gets kidnapped by Creth. When he was still living on the streets he only cared about himself until he met the Rebels and saw how their good deeds made people feel and wanted to be part of that. When Sabine wanted to give up, Ezra urged her to persevere and reassured her that Kanan meant well. Concerned by Ezra's dangerous connection with the Force, Kanan took him to a Jedi temple on Lothal where he would be tested to determine whether or not he is meant to become a Jedi. Upon arriving at the black market spaceport Nixus Hub 218, the two discovered that the buyer was Azmorigan, who was expecting Vizago instead and had them loaded into a loading dolly with the intention of firing them into space. As Imperial reinforcements moved in, Hera tried to reason with her father, but Cham remained unconvinced until his daughter she reminded him how he was an inspiration to herself and the people of Ryloth, but she was fighting for everyone in the galaxy besides her own people. Ezra and Sabine are sent to investigate something just inside the unknown regions and dragged somewhere unexpected. Ezra Bridger was almost completely sure he was done with the Jedi business when Order 66 struck. Unfortunately, Thrawn's forces were well-prepared, and the squadron-led by Hera-were nearly all killed or captured, with only Mart Mattin escaping to join Ryder's group. He lived to serve the Empire. Since the ship could not land, grappling guns were used to fire magnetic cables onto the ship's hull. Slavin then contacted Cham and offered to spare Hera and Ezra if he agreed to surrender by dawn. Youre headstrong, Ill give you that, you have grit and determination, but what is your goal? It takes her a few moments to register what he just said, but when she does, she weakly asks, "We're safe?" Ezra also sought to discover the key to destroying the Sith. The purrgil grab the Chimaera with their tentacles and start to glow with blue light. No, he couldnt let his mind wander back to his old life. What will happen to Ezra? She punched him as they regrouped with the others came and left. Ezra suggested to his colleagues that they should head back inside to keep warm, but the Lasat reminded him that they've been standing there for just three minutes as the Ghost took off with its entire crew now all present and accounted for. In the course of an hour, Ezra took the Trandoshan to his tower and tended to his wounds, before the bounty hunter woke up, "disguised" himself as a blind Trandoshan and almost immediately prompted the boy into leading him to a posting agency at the spaceport. we're at the Jedi temple on Coruscant." Hearing the alarms baring on the Phantom, Ezra and Sabine immediately drop out of hyperspace only to see a giant black hole drawing them in; thinking fast, Sabine takes the ship's controls and does her best to turn it around Ezra doing his best to help with the force. In return, the spirits demanded that Ezra fight Kanan to prove his worth. Once aboard, they were greeted by the Theelin crew member Gooti Terez and her human comrade Jonner Jin. She was later executed by The Grand Inquisitor. In the meantime, Kanan was forced to take the helm of the Ghost. The mission, however, took longer than expected due to the high level of security at the Academy but Ezra managed to secure one more day rebel colleagues. Once inside the hangar, the three rebels found themselves under attack by several Droidekas. With little choice, Ezra complied and departed with Maul on his starship Nightbrother for Dathomir. When Ezra wondered whether it was wrong for a Jedi to fight or to protect his friends, Yoda explained that he too had fought for many years but was consumed by fear. However, The Inquisitor forced him away and began to torment him with the fear of losing everyone he cared about and everything he hoped for, at the same time encouraging him to give into it. Who is Ezra Bridger and what happened to him in 'Star Wars: Rebels' There, Thrawn examined the Kalikori and determined that Hera was Cham's daughter and a rebel operative. After training with the Sith holocron, Ezra's fighting style became more brutal and aggressive. The Ghost crew watched in pride as he departed with his rebel cell, and Ezra thought in his head on how well he restored an even better relationship between father and daughter, bringing new loyalty and respect for each of the two. It is just jealousy or something more..? There, he accessed the Imperial Enforcement DataCore to check records on Herdringer, but discovered Herdringer had been dead for months, and Bossk surmised that his replacement, Jenkes, had been the one to set him up, now also aware that he and Takkaro had worked together in gladiator arena in Nyriaan years before. Can the rebels make Ezra question his loyalty to the Inquisitors, or is he too engrossed by darkness to change? Kanan assured Ezra that they would find out together. However, since speaking with Yoda face-to-face, Ezra has shown a more aggressive side, as well as some arrogance that has caused friction between him and his teacher. "This is Master Obi-Wan Kenobi. Following a brief struggle, the four rebels escaped with the medical supplies and back to the rebel fleet. Caleb Dume, was born on Coruscant and spent his early life training to become a Jedi Knight under the provisional tutelage of Master Obi-Wan Kenobi during the Clone Wars. Unlike a traditional lightsaber, he fitted his with a blaster component, which fired stun blasts, since Ezra lacked any sword fighting skills at the time. Ezra is in love with Sabine but Sabine doesn't like how Ezra changed after she was with her family. My name is Ezra Bridger and this is a story about me living as if I was lower than dirt since I was 8, to the most amazing place on earth. The Mandalorian returns to Disney Plus on Wednesday 1st March sign up to Disney Plus now for 79.90 for a year or 7.99 a month. At his urging, the Purrgil jumped to lightspeed, carrying the Chimera-and Ezra with it-to parts unknown. . The ghost crew go on a supply run. Ezra kept in touch with his master but soon lost contact after being surrounded by several Krykna. READ: Star Wars Writes Off Gina Carano Mandalorian Character. At the request of Senator Bail Organa and Rebel Command, Ezra, his fellow crew members and Rex undertook a mission to find the rebel leader Saw Gerrera, who had disappeared while investigating the apparent disappearance of the Geonosians. After training for several years with Kanan, supplemented by training with Ahsoka and Maul, Ezras powers only continued to grow. Maul led a reluctant Ezra into a cave within the Nightsister Lair. Ezra's Life Continues During the skirmish, Tseebo briefly regained his senses, and Ezra learned from him that he tried to save his parents but was too afraid to try. Upon exiting the shuttle, the rebels found Rau on top of a hill. With Rex taking the lead, Ezra and Kanan utilized the Sword and Shield maneuver which involved deflecting blaster bolts and hurling grenades at the advancing droid columns. When Ezra and his companions awoke, they found themselves captives of the Super Tactical Droid Kalani, who revealed that he had prevented the shut-down order that occurred after Order 66. Eventually, Ahsoka has been investigating Darth Vader and his Inquisitors and discovered that the Inquisitors' secondary mission was to kidnap Force-sensitive infants, thus obtaining two sets of coordinates. And our future is uncertain. Once aboard, an argument broke out between the Ghost Crew, Rex, and Saw. English Version! Will Ezra care about Sabine and say the way he feels about her? ", Extracting herself from her boyfriend, Sabine takes his hand "okay, let's go then, but we do something fun tomorrow". Those saved include the former planetary governor, Ryder Azadi. He stared at the burning ruins of Capitol City on Lothal. He then looks back to the man he was told died eighteen years ago, "Anakin Skywalker? Ezra tried to propose a deal between the two criminals, with him taking the generators and the two criminals sharing the proceeds among themselves, but Vizago stole his droid controller back and used it to summon his droids to attack the three intruders. Chapter 1: Mission Since the reactor core was manned by Imperial technicians, Chopper instructed Ezra to distract them while the droid accessed one of the terminals and turned off the gravity, thus preventing the technicians from firing on Ezra. Ezra and Sabine told Zeb to cheer up before leaving aboard the Ghost. Shroud of Darkness | Wookieepedia | Fandom After Chopper picked up an energy reading, Saw forced Klik-Klak to accompany them. The Jedi tried to teach Ezra how to connect with another being outsideOld Jho's Pit Stop, but the boy didn't seem to be in a very good mood and wouldn't cooperate. (Currently finished), Ch2 (A Lasat Vers1 - P1) - The Bridgers were travelling outside their homeworld of Lasan when the Empire arrived, so when his parents were murdered for rebelling, Ezra assumed he was the only Lasat left. | TheDisInsider.com is an unofficial fan site and not affiliated with The Walt Disney Company. On the way, they were attacked by the Seventh Sister and her ID9 Seeker Droids. Under Zeb's orders, the recovery team began loading the proton bombs aboard the Ghost first. Unfortunately, while they recovered Hera, Kanan sacrificed himself to save the group from a massive explosion. Thrawn had been dispatched by Imperial High Command to investigate the high rate of defective vehicles produced by the Lothal Imperial factory. Getting Obi-Wan's help Anakin has an emergency council meeting arranged and shows them the recording. Ezra went to face Darth Vader but thing goes haywire and Rex dies making everybody hates Ezra except Ahsoka later he is an emperor hand but after a year he left with a padawan Mara Jade and meet Leia organa and was taken to her real father to help to restore the jedi order watch he proves those wrong a Ezra is a S. The Path of a Sith ", Ezra looks around again, this time taking in the look of the room "where are we, and what year is this", "You're in the Jedi Temple on Coruscant, and the year is 3256 GSC; why?". Remembering they aren't alone, Ezra thinks about pulling back, but he honestly doesn't care "good to see you're in good health. It takes place over a decade after Episode III: Revenge of the Sith and progressing toward the events of the original Star Wars film. Luminara Unduli | Star Wars Rebels Wiki | Fandom However, Hera was accosted by Slavin and Thrawn, with the latter wanting to question her. When Ezra asked Fenn when Sabine would return, he cautioned patience. Kanan carried Ezra to the Phantom and the two escaped from the base. After taking the Darksaber and telling Sabine not to enter the cave again, Ezra went to find Kanan. Ezra suggested flying with them instead of against them, that way they would not get bashed around so much or need to waste their power reserves. Ezra resorted to finding work as a con-artist and thief stealing in order to survive, receiving his lessons of such art from Ferpil Wallaway, a pawn shop owner and skilled pickpocket with various underworld connections. There, they became aware that the TIE pilots were at the cantina in search for Tseebo, another friend of Ezra's parents who went to work for the Imperial Information Office shortly after the Bridgers' arrest. Pretty soon, the entire carrier was evacuated, and Sabine and Zeb had Numa and Gobi in custody after taking them out with a rigged mouse droid. Together with Ahsoka, Kanan, and Chopper, Ezra traveled on the Phantom to Malachor. Their destination turned out to be the former Mandalorian asteroid colony, Vizsla Keep 09. Upon reaching the temple, the two Force-wielders used their Force powers to force its heavy stone doors open. Donning the helmet, Ezra stared into its eyelid and was able to make a Force connection with it, from which learned that the Purrgil depended on the Clouzon-36 gas to survive and to travel into hyperspace. Once inside the control tower, Ezra knocked down two Stormtroopers with deflected blaster bolts before confronting Titus. But Hera didn't believe them; Purrgil endangered hyperspace travel by colliding into starships. Although initially selfish and self-serving, Ezra's time with the crew helped to bring out his compassionate side, especially after he began to see what they did helped others who had lost hope or were unable to help themselves. Per his temporary Inquisitor roommates request, Tristan is transferred to Nur alongside him. Ezra embraces the Dark Side on Malachor to save her injured Jedi master. Search: Star Wars Fanfiction Ahsoka Meets Luke. Ezra holds a strong connection to the Force, so strong that he unknowingly used the Force throughout his years on the streets. Realizing it was his destiny to lead the way to Lirasan, Zeb used his bo-rifle to take control of the ship's controls and shepherd the Ghost through the maelstrom, with Ezra and Kanan using the Force to watch his back and keep the electric surge steady on the ship. Shortly later, the rebels were contacted by Hera. The Grand Inquisitor only wants the young one alive. Ch1 (A Pau'an Hybrid - P1) - The Grand Inquisitor knows it is his job to eliminate force sensitives, but he didnt expect the youngling to be a Pau'an Hybrid. During the Jedi first duel with Vader, and Ezra almost having his neck burned, the crew must help one another and train each other for the worst from the evil galactic empire. This encouragement helped the Lasat to overcome his guilt and participate in the ritual, where it was revealed that he was the child. As the duel got more intense, Ezra wanted to intervene but Fenn held him back. Following a fight, Ezra managed to beat Kanan and the Nightsister spirit left his body. Learning of their plan, Grand Admiral Thrawn withdrew the troops, and gave the Rebels an ultimatum: deliver Ezra to the Empire, or the capital city would pay the price. I am a Jedi, but I refuse to pretend I don't love Sabine" looking around the room Ezra sees that the council is already thinking "now if you want to talk further you can find me in the medical bay or the library" he then walks out of the room and lets out a deep breath and relaxes. During the meeting, Ezra asked how many pilots survived and remarked that at this rate there would no pilots flying for the Rebellion. Fortunately, Hera arrived aboard the Ghost to provide support, and the Loth-Wolves joined the battle and brought about a decisive victory. So, to avoid being recognized, they disguised themselves as a stormtrooper and cadet and mingled into one of the ships as Leia disembarked from it. During their deal with the Devaronian, C-3PO, mistaking the rebels for criminals, made an emergency call to Agent Kallus, revealing the rebels' whereabouts. Luminara Unduli was a Jedi Master, who was among the Jedi that were killed during the rise of the Galactic Empire. Fenn later arrived at the camp with supplies and outfitted Sabine with Mandalorian Vambraces. Once inside his room, Ezra blamed Terba for causing his own death and that the operation would never have succeeded without him. Reluctant, the green alien instructed him to find Malachor before leaving. Ezra's Life Once safely aboard the Ghost, the rebels examined their cargo and discovered that Melch had stowed aboard Hondo's treasure chest. He was then kicked out by Kanan upon his return, and the crew's astromech droid Chopper kept watch over the boy to ensure that he didn't pull any reckless tricks. All Rights Reserved. Facing off with Skerris, the two managed to disable him using Gold Leader's Ion Cannon, and emerged from the nebula to find the Ghost at the mercy of two Star Destroyers. Once Jenkes left, Ezra and Bossk entered the place, only for Wallaway to die in Ezra's arms. Despite Ezra's warnings, Kanan and Sabine attacked the apparitions and were possessed by the fallen spirits.