Please remember that this podcast is not a replacement for therapy or clinical services. The need to fill the emotional void tends to cause obsessive and sometimes addictive urges in women with traits of BPD. Ive seen 4 counselors in that time and continued to hope that things would get better. I spent every night working with him on his homework and his teacher thanked me for whatever I was doing to motivate him. We met in the fall and spent the next four months together. Her ego is so fragile and her sense of self is so delicate, she will do anything to protect it. The more I loved her, the less she wanted to be with me. While we typically associate BPD with women because they are diagnosed with it more often than men, the reality is that men do struggle with BPD as well. You understand therefore significantly in relation to this subject, made me personally believe it from a lot of various angles. CPTSD, EUPD, & Borderline Personality Disorder recovery work is often painful and difficult. For the final time, I asked if a face to face was an issue. Thank you for the quick reply. As a young woman in my 20s I found that this worked with women as well. Empathy is the process that allows us to feel the emotions of others. Jump start your recovery today!--- Support this podcast: His desire to please others and find acceptance pushes him to game jump, break countless laws and ultimately put his life in danger. Wife certainly has BPD traits. Check out this article for confirmation of this assertion: In this episode, I revisit how to make resolutions that are achievable and based in truth/ from a wise mind perspective. Telling someone she knows that you think she has a mental condition could lead to a smear campaign, so it might be safest to let her old boyfriend research her problem on his own. There is a period of emotional sobriety or coming down from the addictive nature these relationships that most men need to go through. Furthermore, by providing an evolutionary psychological explanation for it we can remove negative evaluations of emotionally unstable people in understanding that their personality style is as fitness-affording as any other. Its so frustrating when you know your right but she will insist on something completely irrational. (the first time after my saying we should sort this amicably) . Someone with borderline personality cannot stop ruminating about past failures. The actual requests in question, such as that particular pair of shoes or the milk were not relevant. They have the same morals that the average person has. The type of personality that so often gets caught up in a relationship with a woman with traits of BPD is what we might call a nice guy type. MENTAL ILLNESS IS STILL ILLNESS, YOU JUST CANT SEE IT, so stop the ignorance and start paying attention. JT, thanks for your story. In fact it was her who said it. Thank you for your well written informative posts on Understanding women with traits of BPD. Could never plan things with me or struggles. The woman with traits of BPD has a problem. JT, they do have occasional moments of clarity and can express this kind of awareness, although most of the time their belief that their partner couldnt love them is more hidden or playing in the background of their consciousness. Traits of BPD: Did Your Ex-Girlfriend Have a Conscience? There is no way to tell whether she has BPD, but she certainly demonstrated the behaviors associated with it. Our goal is to provide a show that offers hope and help to you or your loved ones with BPD and to answer big questions that others in the field are too scared to answer. She does not take responsibility for the consequences of her emotions. I know they are real and she meant them but I wonder if someone like her or women with traits of BPD feel betrayed when those proclamations are not returned or at least not as equal. Everything was over text too. We have sound healthy relationships with the oldest and youngest child however our middle child has completely turned on us . This lack of education can lead some men to mistakenly assume that the hypersexuality associated with BPD is sexual compatibility. You can lead a great life with a sensitive, intense, hyperbolic or any temperament for that matter with hard work, grit, endurance, tenacity, and the willingness to get uncomfortable. In the process, she manages to expose numerous unhealed social wounds by calling out almost every person in her life. Its usually a safer relationship with fewer instances of smear campaigns, but friendship generally doesnt circumvent the negative behaviors. Joanna Nicola does an generally brilliant job at explaining the intricacies of BPD. I offer a free workbook on my website for people in your position that can sometimes reverse these problems. You have fulfilled our strongest concerns, luckily I am far enough along in my illness to know that people like you will not take up all of my day now, I will not worry anymore after I have hit the post comment box!! Thank you so much for giving me insight into this. JT, in idealization stage things will occur to them to say that seem to fit how they are feeling. Some viewers have associated this period of time with the BPD symptom of dissociation, which is a mental experience that causes a person to disconnect from their present circumstances, thoughts, memory and identity. I hope women with bpd are not reading this!! The nice-guy type often cannot get himself to believe that this woman is no longer capable of giving back to him. They often dont realize that controlling negative impulses is how the average person puts their morals into practice, so they may mistakenly believe that they are bad people. Not that I really painted him that way. This podcast is the absolute best! She cannot articulate why. I tried. Would someone like her look at it as if I might have some hidden agenda (like just wanting sex for example which I was accused of before) because I stayed with her even though she knows she has some serious issues. He was emotionally abusive, unfaithful too many times to count, and addicted to pornography and sex with other women. I started working with Rose in 2021 through the groups she offers. I would be the most thoughtful person and give her and her children special gifts etc and I barely even got a thanks for it. I sincerely doubt you have it or you undoubtedly would be speaking in more sypathetic terms. Ive had one that would be very charitable with money and things to the needy etc, maybe this was a way to overcompensate for being emotionally selfish. Folks who have BPD often are on medication to treat co-occurring mental illnesses like anxiety and depression, which may indirectly help BPD symptoms. Joe, thanks for your very relevant contribution to this discussion. Twice. Consider the following exchange between Brett and Jasmine as they lay in bed. Theres no such thing. The harder I tried the further away she went. Very insightful stuff. And my setting her straight should allow her to dislike me (again, lol) for as long as she chooses. If your girlfriend is acting in defensive ways due to oversensitivity but in the rest of her life she behaves in a healthy way, then using these techniques to help her get over her fear of betrayal of you is a viable option. I have a girlfriend who recently got married for the 1st time at the age of 40 yrs. OK, since you cant take the credit for that, then you can take the credit for taking the time to put all this together for people like me. I have been in relationships with 3 if not more people I would classify as BPD based on being just really smart, only one was diagnosed, however only one went to therapy. And she wanted me for so long!! I had lots of friends and lots of sex. I thought my wife would change because at 30 years old I was her first boyfriend. A woman with borderline personality disorder shares what it's like to fall in love for her. Mighty community member Kellyann N. shared that mental health professionals have explained BPD using Anakin Skywalker (a.k.a. ", Borderline Personality Disorder is no longer considered a chronic illness. I can guarantee that you would find an army of minions answering all of your Whys. So they know you want to stick around but dont if that makes any sense. In two studies, which included 525 English-speaking adults, participants were asked to evaluate the dating appeal of hypothetical individuals. Thank you so much for sharing your experience. This may give your family some relief so you can make important decisions in a calmer environment. This interaction illustrates how BPD can cause a married couple to go from passionately loving to alienation in a matter of minutes. Her defenses will kick in and she will have to revert to her negative perspective of you in order to feel safe from betrayal or being taken advantage of. Not because she is wrong, but because the disorder can make you feel very sensitive to hard truths. Contact us today at 1-844-9-THRIVE. Th verbal and emotional abuse reaches very high levels, including abusive behaviour to the kids, another temper outburst from me after taking months and months of incredible verbal abuse and facilitating her drinking and what I now believe was searching for a new source, while I take main responsibility for the kids, she, in the end, leaves me for a lesbian relationship which I am supposed to have driven her too. I honestly think you are an absolute star Joanna, and you should get awards for this. I wish I could fix myself and save the marriagewe have 2 young kids. I could write all kinds of things. Their sociopathic behavior leaves a trail of destruction in its wake. Or in my case of leaving my casual BPD situation last week, she [an initially innocent waif borderline type] was making enthusiastic plans to see me one week but a combination of her mother suddenly taking badly ill on top of working hard and being stressed, tbf meant that the commitment of having to see me became the LAST thing she wanted to do! Did Your Ex-Girlfriend Have Traits of BPD-The Defense Mechanism of Projection. So, should a nice guy such as me give up on such a relationship or should I learn these techniques really well and not worry about avoiding BPD partners too much? For men, attractiveness was the most important factor in predicting dating appeal. In the movie when Alice wins the lottery, she stops taking her medication which is supposed to explain some of her erratic behavior. These men tend to care so deeply about their connections that they do not need to struggle in the way the average person does to keep others needs in mind. So fed up of people like you demonising us when you havent got a clue. Anyway, due to my own weaknesses (messed relationships, attachment issues etc) we end up in a relationship living together she is the perfect match it would seem, really likes my messed-up family of origin, organising parties for birthdays for parents who have never done such things themselves. (As I read this, I fear I may be idealizing him!!!). Arguably the most prominent BPD symptom evident in both girls is emotional dysregulation and the use of substances and self-harm to try to regulate these painful emotional experiences. The more I read, the closer I feel to moving past this. Its a no win in so many ways. She would phone me up saying that I dont support her and am cold towards her. Part 1 discussed how the difficulties typically affect males with symptoms of BPD. This will probably require professional help as she learns self-soothing as a method of coping with feelings of self-loathing that are caused by her BPD. We are just people who have a hard time regulating our emotions, which makes it very hard to control our behaviors. Make Sense of the Beautiful Chaos: What a Woman with Borderline Personality Disorder Would Like Her Loved Ones to Know 2022 Mighty Proud Media, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Lets take a closer look at how the nice-guy/borderline connection can lock a healthy man into an unhealthy relationship. Get the help you need from a therapist near youa FREE service from Psychology Today. Very childlike behaviour. wow this gave me a clear view into my relationship. I finally have told my wife that I can not take the behavior any more, and that if she will not participate in professional help and recognize that her actions and behaviors cant continue like this, then our marriage will end. In addition to the information in the workbook, there are many blog posts on this site that you can refer to in order to understand better what is really behind her negative behavior. Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD), aka Emotionally Unstable Personality Disorder, is an illness that can make you struggle with your emotions. Is there a time period post break up where she can see things differently? He felt defensive. Brett: We made beautiful love and then I fell asleep. Last year I freed myself from a 2-year relationship with a BPD woman. She is 30 but had a hard time of it for many years. I feel its important to tell my partner, Im having a problem & things dont look right in my mind. Now, that doesnt mean I overcome every emotion or BPD related thought or action. People with Borderline Personality Disorder tend to be warm, creative, a bit disorganized, and very open about their emotions. This girl definitely was a complete con artist and extremely selfish I figured about her mental instability within a couple months into the relationship and even tried to leave as I doubted at that time that she could anytime assault me, but the con artist that she was, she never let me go( she would huh me and cry like hell) And she had this unrelenting quench to get her things done by meAll hell used to break loose when I failed to do somethingThe relationship lasted for an year and a half during which time I never had time really to figure out what exactly her problem wasAfter the break up I felt soo devastated and almost convinced that she just used me as I never saw any remorse in her faceI felt really betrayed and became vengeful but I was controlled by my friends around me There after I started researching online to make sense of what happenedThat is when I came across BPD which completely explained every behaviour of hersShe had a divorce and a broken relationship before meAnd her ex bf once happened to call me after my breakup misinterpreting my number as hers. The same can be said for men who physically abuse women, they also have mental problems, men tend to act aggressive, while women more passive-aggressive when letting anger or the feeling of being hurt out. 6. DBT training is available to anyone and theoretically if you could get a disordered partner to accompany you to the classes, they could learn the skills necessary to overcome the disorder under the guise of you both learning mindfulness, which is a fairly popular self-development trend these days. I have had to remove several dangerous BPD or Highly emotional females from my life, past exs and indeed my Mother. looking back at those i feel shared these BPD traits, i can say i think my portion was anywhere from 5 to 10 % of the problem, and im pretty quick to admit when im wrong i dont really care, i dont always have to be right. A series of confusing interactions began following her wedding to a nice guy almost 3 years ago.. A nice guy who does everything to appease her and throw us under the bus if he sees she needs that validation. After witnessing such marital turmoil during childhood, I am sure this created a great sense of distrust in men and thereby she developed these self-preserving defense mechanisms. We often argued about things like once i bought wrong shopping and she would shout and scream at me for really irrational things when I came home 30min later then planed for a diner whilst coming home from work etc. We would sit at the park and he would tell me stories and we would play funny little games and laugh. JT, yes, some women with traits of BPD do want to remain friends. Also, she suffers from anxiety/depression (on medication), pretty bad OCD, and also agoraphobia. I would recommend you go forward with your plan exactly as you stated it. Hes been a great man. You are preaching to the converted. One of its paradoxes involves lying. Story highlights. These intense feelings increase the probability of impulsive behavior, which is often expressed as promiscuity. Please help!! One of the worst things is she denies she has a problem and that I was the problem. She makes her decisions off those incredibly sensitive emotions that she is feeling at that time. I am nearing 40 with no children myself, and have had a mentally ill mother diagnosed with schizophrenia since I was 3. Wreck-It Ralph displays a number of classic borderline personality disorder (BPD) symptoms, though there is no mention of mental illness in the movie. Ill briefly expand on my post above. Every other analysis labels us as equally dysfunctional as our bpd partner. Yep, been through it two maybe 3 times, I usually come to my senses at the year mark as the relationship has usually degraded enough by that point. I cant work out and nor can her family . You see, I understand the way I think and the fears I have. With the help of Rose she helped me escape a really unhealthy marriage, and exposed light into dark places that I and my family will forever be grateful for. Why are we together? Daniel S. Lobel, Ph.D., is a clinical psychologist in private practice in Katonah, NY, as well as an Assistant Clinical Professor at Mount Sinai School of Medicine in the Department of Psychiatry. 1,2. They tend to experience constant longing for connection. The Hot Crazy Matrix basically asks whether the same could be said for men being attracted to crazy women. The reason for the popularity of the HCM is because we have ourselves or known someone who has been in a turbulent relationship with someone who was emotionally unstable, and have been warned off of them by despairing friends and family who cannot understand why anyone would stay in the relationship, Blanchard said. After 2 years of recovering from a harmful ex, of being frustrated at online articles that refer to me as a codependent which I am not, of not being a whole person of which I am, this finally makes sense along with introducing a spectrum of behaviours. Nicola, a question for you. DR, I assume youre asking about standard treatment for the disorder. CPTSD, EUPD, & Borderline Personality Disorder recovery work is often painful and difficult. My heart immediately broke. It also hurts that nobody will confront her and say to see someone yet I speak up because I care so much and can see what has caused our rship to fail. Taking accountability means putting aside your own selfish motives and sparing the feelings of those who make the mistake of hitching their wagons to these extremely damaged human beings. I mentioned earlier a quote about her calling herself a basket case. My personal situation also hasnt been easy for her as i live with my ex -partner (pending full separation) so the triggers were plentiful on that issue alone! One might say that they are too afraid to establish emotional connections and thats their baseline, but when they get a surge of emotions it can override the fear. Maybe it is a mixture of both. Both nice-guy types and women with traits of BPD tend to believe that the other possesses the same natural skills and deficits. Knowing what you value will help you build the most meaningful life possible. This allows you to actively seek it out. I welcome any resources, books or relationship techniques that will guide parents to reconnect with their daughter who has traits of BPD. I truely never felt this connected and close to a woman before because of the things she said and interaction we had. I vowed when this began that I would stay with her and work it through, However, she has never been able to stay in therapy, and believes all is my fault, and that if I would just love her it would solve all our problems. Blaming him for her suicide attempt. Well a lot of the time anyway. Mighty contributor Megan Glosson, who lives with BPD herself, wrote about this in her piece, 6 Obvious Borderline Personality Disorder Symptoms That Wreck-It Ralph Displays, mood swings, rage, impulsiveness, promiscuity, relationship problems, but also intense desire to be loved., In his article for Psychology Today called, , Prozac Nation I think has the best depiction of BPD. If I hadnt already had a relationship with her, I would have been so flattered that this pretty girl thinks so highly of me. Wonderful article! Whether she has a personality disorder or not she is an abusive personality type. You are really good with them. Nothing worked. Very rebellious like does stuff out of spite. The answer was no (but it would have to be after this Xmas weekend). I have recently been using te Nicola method with some success. Unfortunately, as you have mentioned, the only way to heal from one of these relationships is to find a way to make sense of your experience. Jonathan, thank you for your addition to this discussion. On the other hand, you feature dialogue techniques that help to assuage the out-of-control emotions and thoughts that plague such relationships and that help to develop a sense of trust and security in the BPD partner. You can lead a great life with a sensitive, intense, hyperbolic or any temperament for that matter with hard work, grit, endurance, tenacity, and the willingness to get uncomfortable. Old Medication, New Use: Can Prazosin Curb Drinking? She has made false allegations in the past and even got me arrested I hadnt done anything except try to escape a double bind I still had to spend a day in a cell. During this time I was forced to have her admitted again as she was aiming to attempt suicide again. Mainly everything she has a answer for and likes conflict. I begged. Reviewed by Jessica Schrader. And make no mistake: I am not proud of the things that SEVERE BPD people do. I just saw this reply. Thank you for your website post. We jst had a baby who is 2 months old now, & my BPD wife has a 9 yr old child whom ive been raising since we married. He seems to understand, and he says he can take it. And men and women who abuse their mates/spouses are not great people. Some people dispute the diagnosis, but up to . Wow Extremely well writtenIt feels like you saw my life and wrote thisSo completely aptA few question thoughMy ex dumped me some 7 months agoAnd the ditching was completely out of the blue on a phone call while I was out of station. However, nice guy that I am, I relented and said I wanted to be there for her through this tough period in her life. But If distant my self abit then she would question that abit so I just couldnt win atal. An onslaught of disrespectful raging,verbal abuse and fabricated accusations about our insensitivity to her needs left us speechless . After a while, Bella discovers she can hear Edwards voice when shes engaging in risky behavior. Make Sense of the Beautiful Chaos: What a Woman with Borderline Personality Disorder Would Like Her Loved Ones to Know [Marie, K., Shop, Wai Studio] on JT, two things can happen. She just cut me off and I got the I just dont feel the same in my heart line. The heavy weight of the sadness for the damage I caused, makes it difficult to breath sometimes. There really isnt anything you can do to help her. How do we begin our communication or change it to avoid more conflict & pain? The feelings seem real, and they experience reality as one-dimensional, more like a drawing that they cant relate to. Its going to be interesting to see if i have an update to this in future (as I have no reason this time to be in contact personally). Continued interactions like this one may leave Brett feeling like Jasmine will see anything he does as wrong and he may give up on the relationship. Women with borderline personality disorder usually have low self-esteem and a fear of abandonment. Today she told my daughters grandmother she wasnt allowed to love my daughter. A weaker partner will just give in to help calm things and or get past the scene without solving the problem. Schedule a mindset coaching session today here: Get your gear here: Hi! Struggling with unstable self-image or identity. Ive warned him what can happen to me and what my patterns have been in relationships and even about BPD in particular. The movie explores themes of divorce, drugs, sex andmental health, characteristic of the generation at the time. good luck to anyone who is giving it a go , hopefully your situation is better than what mine was . I know I said its best to move on but I really care about this woman and though I know a romantic relationship is out the question, I want to help her (this is the nice guy part of me). Did Your Ex-Girlfriend Have Traits Of Borderline Personality Disorder? But because you have been lucky enough to have found someone who may not have these traits you might need to go through this stage while within your relationship.