After my first solo, Jason took me flying in his aerobatic plane, which was a great experience and kept me motivated about the possibilities of aviation! Hes been super professional and delightful to work with throughout the program. I am writing to thank you for arranging my flight training with John in Boulder, Colorado. Your 10-day finish up was exactly as promised. I had started trying to get my PPL a year ago with another flight school, but scheduling a plane and instructor after work was challenging, and the training felt so slow. Almost any flight school would happily work with you in an accelerated manner, at the very least for your commercial which can easily be done in a few days if you are proficient. VA Benefits . One of the great things was that Paul showed me how make all my calculations manually, but wasnt anti-technology; he showed me the neat features of the apps I paid for! Not only have I acquired the knowledge and skills to fulfill FAAs requirement, I have also enjoyed the learning process with Ziggy thoroughly. I wanted to thank you for the training. If you require more time to finish we will work with you until you achieve your goal and become a Certified Private Pilot at the normal daily training rate. There are many things that can get in the way of actually finishing your PPL, and in my view the accelerated course is the only way that makes good sense. Compared to a regular flight training regimen, AFITs full time training helped me to grasp concepts more quickly and effectively as I could practice for long periods without pauses in between.. FAA Knowledge Written testCertificate properly stamped with a grade of 80% or higher if possible. World Class Instructor. Yes, that feels better!. The full emersion model that A.F.I.T. There was no need to relearn every time I went up. You can really tell that Ruben has been instructing for a very long time. AFIT, I will definitely be recommending this style of learning to anyone who is serious about aviation. I was always very impressed with the fast, thorough and patient responses to my e-mails, even when I sent them late in the afternoon or even during the evening hours. I would recommend AFIT and more specifically Ruben to anyone that wants to further their aviation knowledge. After 60 hours and still not being proficient enough with landing to be able to solo I decided the typical way was not working for me. Three months ago I decided to become a private pilot. However, Sean kept me on a consistent schedule and ultimately, we did it. Just a short note to thank you for the fantastic, and fantastically effective, 14 day PPL program run by Eric out of St. George (UT). Customized training schedules available all year long with mild weather. All of this put me in good stead to be well-prepared for my checkride and to be a competent and safe pilot for years to come. Front Range Flight School is the pilot's choice for the best flight school in the Denver Colorado area with great rates and great instructors. This was by far the hardest yet rewarding journey Ive ever been on. I cant imagine a better route towards acquiring my certification. I cant express enough my thanks for helping me reach this life long goal. At that time I was averaging 3 hours a month. It has been an amazing journey! My instructor Sean went above and beyond to prepare me not only for my check ride, but also to foster my love for flying. He knows when to push, but also knows when you need a good laugh to loosen you up. Being able to get everything done in a concentrated five days during leave was exactly what I needed. Life hack: if in your future you are considering Embry-Riddle, you absolutely, positively must go in with your Private already in back-pocket or hand, and I highly recommend getting it from AFIT! John is an excellent instructor, very patient and always ready with tips to ace all PPL maneuvers. Thanks again. Working with Abe first, and then Fady, I was in good hands as I prepared for the oral and practical portions of the checkride. Working with Gil was a whirlwind of an experience! Flight training provided at our Sacramento, California facility is taught by our Chief Flight Instructor who is a certified GOLD SEAL flight instructor, CFI, CFII, MEI, IGI and AGI. I was fortunate that you assigned Andy to fly with me..he was awesome in helping me get through it! Through the flight program I not only gained my pilots license I also gained a friend that I have spoken with various times since I have finished training, and I feel that I can approach at any time I need guidance or advice. This made the whole experience so much fun, valuable and memorable. I also want to stress one thing he ALWAYS goes the extra mile and takes the next step, even in things not directly involved with the airplane or the training. Im 65, challenged by parallel parking, and can get lost in a shopping mall. Paul is such an amazing teacher. I tried a couple years ago to get my certificate and the normal day-to-day distractions of running a business and having a family kept me from realizing the dream. Obtaining my pilots license has always been a lifelong dream, however, life events have always seemed to get in the way of this goal. John was excellent. The whole experience was awesome, and I really enjoy our time together. Willing to do whatever it took to help me pass my Check ride. But with AFIT, I did these all in one go! I dont know of anywhere else that someone can learn in that short of time and feel as confident and as proficient as I do with the instruction. There is bookwork to learn and a written . Imagine everyone telling you that you are crazy to do it in such a plane in such a short period of time. Ive had a passion to learn to fly my whole life. I knew accelerated programs were out there, but I also knew there was a continuum on the quality of that training. IMO the accelerated approach is the best way to get a license from cost, time efficiency, and learning perspectives. Every day was full of valuable lessons. Using the AFIT finishing course was definitely one of the smart things I have done with my aviation training path. Eric taught me everything related to basic instruments. 14-Day Private Pilot Training Course KLHM. He really gets you ready for life as a pilot. My experience with AFIT was amazing. I was unconvinced how I could learn to fly and be a competent private pilot in 14 days. Its awesome. I will recommend any busy professionals out there to go this route to earn their ratings from the CFIs with thousands of hours of experience while meeting their availability needs. I thought I would post a review as others have expressed interest. If I went home exhausted from a long day of flight, I knew that Eric was still working. I highly recommend Greg as a CFI with the AFIT program. The instructors commented that my flying skills were great. Certified Multiengine and Instrument Instructor. I dont want to imagine, how much more time I would have had to spend in Michigan (conditions are currently 5F degree F, snow and ice) to finish the instrument training. Your company is top notch and the level of customer service you provide is second to none. Casey in Maintenance, De in the office, other instructors Paul, Dave, Ruben and even fellow students helped along the way. I felt comfortable at every stage my first solo, my first cross-country, my FAA oral and check ride and am now a Private Pilot, thanks to AFIT. I cant thank Cholena and AFIT enough for helping me complete my process. Anyone who works with him will learn a ridiculous amount in a short time. I could not have accomplished my goal of earning my Private Pilot License without Rubens instruction and encouragement. It was definitely worth it to take two weeks off work and knock all of the training out in an accelerated manner. John has the ability of making the unique challenges and pressures of learning to fly seem fun and doable. Ruben has been nothing short of wonderful as an instructor. All the people were great, the hangars and planes were in top notch condition. John helped me finish up my fixed wing add-on rating in just five (5) short days. Eric is long on patience and is meticulous in his instructing. I was deeply impressed by his commitment to my success (especially since I clearly wasnt the most talented student he ever had to bring along). I let time take its course and Greg taught me everything I needed plus heaps more. Ruben went out of his way to make sure I had the resources I needed to accomplish my goal of becoming a pilot. As I closed in on the airport that morning, the nerves hit me like a ton of bricks, and I felt like all the info I had studied online had rushed out of my head. He even sacrificed a day off to extend my training by a day since my check ride had to be pushed back due to weather problems. Todds experience and knowledge of the program really facilitated our training smoothly and right on time (if not ahead of time). First off, you did a great job both teaching and listening. I wouldnt have been able to make it through if not for him. If your struggling to find the time and dragging it out like I was, give these guys a call. Just be prepared to be out of your possible comfort zone for the first couple days. He was always able to communicate things to me in a way that I understood, and gave me helpful tips for how to apply what I was learning in a practical way. International Students. The Accelerated Private Pilot Program starts with placing a deposit and securing dates for the training. I still got a lot more positive things to say but looking at all Ive written out so far I think it might be getting to long haha. An accelerated flight program can be very stressful on a student and at times Erwin and I found ourselves laughing until our eyes were watering. Once again I would extend my recommendation of AFIT to anyone interested in an intense and rewarding flight training program. Anything she ever taught, I would sign up to learn. I would recommend this training to anyone who is serious about becoming a pilot. Sam is an excellent instructor, his patience with me and ability to find a training approach which suited my style of learning was exactly what I needed. After deciding to pursue a private pilot license at age 58, I discovered that for professionals with busy schedules the process can sometimes take years. Learning to fly in these conditions was not easy but we flew each day, ultimately making me the kind of pilot I want to be. Who knew that at age 53 I could go from a casual aviation observer to a certificate pilot in a few calendar days! The instrument rating requirements, as specified in 14 CFR 61.65, are summarized here: A person who applies for an instrument rating must: Hold at least a current private pilot certificate or be concurrently applying for a private pilot certificate with an airplane, helicopter, or powered-lift rating appropriate to the instrument rating sought. That one comment is very telling of how good of an instructor John is. Tony assured me that I was no different than many of their other clients and he was glad to help me. That I was even ready to attempt a check ride at the FAA minimum hours is really a testament to your skill and tenacity as a flight instructor and I thank you greatly for that. It makes learning new tasks efficient, quick, effective and makes retaining the information much easier. TOTAL PRELIMINARY ESTIMATE $11,200 to $12,250 (accelerated) - part time $15,000, not unusual to see $17k to $18k. I can not overstate all the CFIs that I meet in Lincoln California Paul, Ruben and Steve are what makes this program work. A teacher like Andy is essential to completing these two weeks successfully and he prepped me well and provided a good foundation for my flight training to come. I have learned a tremendous amount about piloting and aviation in this really very short time, both knowledge and skills. Oleg is a very patient and knowledgeable teacher and kept things lively and fun;I had a great time with the program and will always look back on my time there fondly. My training with John was 2 weeks as promised. After the buttonology comes the fire drill which sorts you out for flying two approaches rapidly after one another for a single facility. I would recommend anyone interested in obtaining a PPL to join the AFIT program. I would highly recommend this program and John as an instructor to anyone looking to gain their private pilot certificate in a short period of time. I started training with A.F.I.T. We recommend students purchase rental insurance, which is available at reasonable rates. I wanted to thank Todd and AFIT for a great flying experience and for helping me to complete my training. The feeling of community I felt with the team at AFIT and the whole KLHM community is something I already miss and will always remember. Jacob was very knowledgeable and a great pilot/instructor to learn from. in Lincoln, CA under the instruction of Mike on January 18th, 2020. Also you have been a wonderful coordinator, thank you so much for your help. I was actively searching for a full immersion pilot program when I discovered AFIT. When it comes to Flight Training there were tons of options, I should know I was attending another school, however either by luck or chance I decided to switch over and attend AFIT. I had the pleasure of being put with Tyler, a very friendly, smart and great instructor. I cant wait to see him again for IFR training. Tony made sure all my questions were answered and the process of showing up to my flight training was seamless and that I was prepared. Safe and efficient operation of aircraft, including collision avoidance, and recognition and avoidance of wake turbulence. We progressed at my pace and we didnt attempt a solo until we were both very confident in my abilities. Now that I have my pilots license I will definitely use AFIT for my instrument rating. The Blue Line flight school exists to train the next generation of pilots with a focus on proficiency, safety, and appreciation for the miracle of flight. You are in good hands as a pilot, with Sean as your instructor. Im rolling on ground school for my instrument with Kings and will get my knowledge squared away for my IRA test. By the time the check ride day came around I was definitely nervous, but I felt ready because of all the great training that I had. Mike did an excellent job of getting me through this course. The people were very welcoming and the price was very reasonable. Your private pilot training experience with Paragon is broken into modules we call "Stages": Starting Point: Discovery Introduction Flight & On Boarding Meeting. However, you wont spend as much time learning so your total cost is less. Rest assured, your organization will be my recommendation from this point forward. We also have access to our leasing divison's aircraft for advanced . Hey Tony, I wanted to extend my thanks to you for arranging my training with Kelly. First off, I want to thank Tony for making my training happen. I want you to know what a great experience I had with Mike and the AFIT program in Lincoln. CFI, CFII, MEI and ASE. I just wanted to take a quick moment of your time to thank you for the excellent PPL experience you made possible for me. This was an edifying experience and I learned a lot. Finally, my wife Lisa was my biggest supporter and got me through struggles with boundless encouragement. One of the best things that I have ever done! Hey Tony, The program and Oleg were great and exceeded my expectations. I found John to be consistently thoughtful about how I could most efficiently make progress towards the goal, an excellent coach in the cockpit, and a font of real world piloting experience. I really liked how easy it was to communicate with him and decided how to approach the next few days in order to knock out as much as we could and as safely as we could. Life happens, and you lead the way for me to remain focused and adherent to the utmost level of professionalism to become part of the aviation community. Not at AFIT. AFITs program was the only way that I could schedule the time to earn my certificate. I really enjoyed the fully dedicated one on one learning more than 8 hours a day and I can ask the instructor to polish my weakness to be the best pilot ever! Kid you not, learning to fly from scratch was definitely stressful, but John was there with me, and for me every step of the way. The aircraft was in a perfect condition, we always had a clean windscreen, the right docs on board, all the training aids you can think of. Thanks for putting on a fantastic program. As you know I had been working on this for years and my previous instructors just kept telling me how hard the practical was going to be and for the oral I had to know everything. Todd has great knowledge about aviation and is very easy to get along with. I feel better prepared to study, and continue to learn as I prepare for the other ratings I plan on earning in the future. With little to no prior flight experience or knowledge, two weeks later Im fully capable, knowledgeable and comfortable to fly safely and legally lol. It was a tremendous amount of work but it was well worth every penny and effort. In my opinion the program requires you to learn fast, this style worked very well for me. While many people may have doubts about accelerated training, I cannot see another way to do learn how to fly. I wanted a program with a curriculum and structured base, thats exactly what I got. We often flew 2-3 times per day so proficiency grew quickly. It has not been an easy feat passing FAAs written, flight and oral examinations. I strongly recommend AFIT to anyone seeking their pilots license or any rating! As you know, In December of 2015 I worked with John at KVNY on my Private Pilot certificate. An aviation professional for over 30 years, Mature and friendly, Over 30 years of diverse experience in aviation. If you have a medical condition (even a serious one); it is still possible for you to get a license. Founded with instructors . The best part is I could successfully handle 17 knots crosswind landing while turbulent at Van Nuys during my first flight as Private Pilot while other aircraft go around! It has been a long and arduous journey spanning multiple instructors, over two-plus years. He was dedicated to getting me through the course and made the entire experience fun and enjoyable! Although the course was accelerated, I was not overwhelmed with the flight lessons and the curriculum created by Andy and Tony makes it easy for anyone to succeed. He constantly checked in as we were flying to make sure that I was feeling healthy during flight and was verifying that I was understanding what he was teaching to me. He also reached out several times leading up to my start date to ask if I had any questions about the material and to make sure my studies were going well. Thanks again and look forward to seeing you again. The training was great. Florida: Outside of Pensacola Naval Air Station - 5800 Aviation Drive, Milton, FL. But good enough to be a safe pilot. I cant say enough good about Andy. As for my instructor Jason I really have no words, His unique ways of teaching and instructing, helped me get through the 14 days private pilots program. The response I received from AFIT is what set them apart. At the Lincoln flight school the mechanics and office staff are all wonderful and a joy to be around.Overall I am still shocked that I came away from this experience a pilot. The very next day I soloed! Two other things that were beneficial. Greg and AFIT did everything in their power tomake my dreams come true. If so, Flight Fast Track in Punta Gorda is the place for you! The airport is a great place to train and I loved the x-country route on a calm day with reasonable visibility. Private Pilot Course in Sacramento/Placerville California in August. Andy was great and I couldnthave hoped for a better instructor. A Commercial Pilot Certificate with an Instrument Rating is necessary for most flying jobs. It was a very intensive 12 days and Bill had to run a very tight program to get in the 2 written tests and the medical examination. Commercial Pilot: Airplane Single and Multiengine Land; Instrument-Airplane. I personally learn better when immersed in the subject. John didnt only give me the tools I needed. Note: Estimates do not include additional ground instruction where needed. I had an incredible time working with and learning from John. He pushed me to succeed when I was ready to give up halfway through the week! GET IT DONE WITH THESE GUYS worth every penny. As long as you come prepared with an attitude of being ready to spend the full two weeks dedicated to both flying and studying, you will surely receive your certificate and be a great pilot. Any advertisement is only as good as its product; AFIT is extremely lucky to have found a fit with Eric and I am glad that it connects him with exactly what he was designed to do- teach people how to fly. Im glad I did because at the last moment I decided to earn my certificate in a complex, high-performance 7-seat turbo aircraft that I purchased. After I soloed Ruben focused on getting me through the requirements. I still use many of, if not all, of the things he taught me today. Santa Cruz, California, Thank You! I think that I will also take some more hours in Paris to do a 2 days training on mechanics. I am very glad I came prepared and had already studied a lot. McAir Aviation | Accelerated Pilot Flight Training With zero flight experience or training going I wasnt really sure this was something that could be accomplished in this short of a time. The continuousone on one instruction and accelerated pace really made the difference and Oleg seemed more like a part of my family than some instructor. (I am mechanic at all and I would say that I couldnt even put a nail on the wall or hang a frame.but when your life and your family life is in your hands, you make some efforts ;-)), I can be contacted by anyone considering your program. Just wanted to drop youa line and mention how happy I was with my training. I think hes a great CFI. We had just done a lot of time doing cross wind landings. I was able to achieve my dream of becoming a pilot and I had so much fun doing it!! After arriving I spent 1 hour in the pattern with Ricardo and was landing successfully. He cared not just about the educational material that I was learning, but that I was having a fun and memorable experience along the way. Ill see you guys for my Instrument Rating! The doctor will check your vision, hearing, balance, and nose and throat. Like so many other testimonials the check ride seemed pretty simple in comparison to Erics training level. Thank you Tony! As you know, I flew my private-pilot training with Lou and I can definitely say that he is a great instructor and really gets involved in every aspect of training, from theory and exam preparation to practical tips and tricks to make the flying experience both more enjoyable and more useful for the student. John was an excellent teacher and coach throughout the whole 14 days. I certainly lucked out with Andy he is a class act and I will undoubtedly be visiting him again for my instrument and commercial ratings. This is someone who lives, eats, breathes, and sleeps aviation. La Jolla, California, PPL Finish-Up Course 2 Days Ahead of Schedule. Below is a list of typical expenses in order to obtain a Private Pilot certificate. I cant thank you both, enough for helping me to achieve this life-long goal! Accelerated Flight Training. I have had a fantastic week in Addison TX with Lou and Id like thank you and AFIT for everything. Dont wait for time to pass you by. You wont have time to answer your cell phone, or solve any business problems. Tony, I had a great time doing my flight training. Just 6 days after that, with the dedicated instruction from Ruben I passed my Private Pilot Check ride. I talked with him a few times on the phone before I met him to start the 14 day Private Pilot Course and once it began, there was never a chance to look back! Todd took the time needed to explain any questions I had and was always very respectful and professional. Tony, thank you for your help with my private pilot training and setting me up to ace the Check ride. Thanks for the email. Todd really knew when to push and when to call it quits for the day. Working with Bill was the best part of the training. I will certainly recommend AFIT for others that can get the time from their regular jobs to learn how to fly in a hurry. 2) Abe really went out of his way to show me around the airport, introduced me to so many people and helped me understand how to navigate the intracacies of the Airport community. Within a day we had a time organized and I was booked in for training within the month. Greg had over 8000 plus hours. I just wanted to take a moment to thank you and John for an amazing experience with the accelerated flight training program. Cholena was just amazing. I have been looking for more than 50 flying schools since 2004 around the USA and many of accelerated program offers similar course with very cheap price. The smile on my face on March 20 said it all. Andy was very laid back and easy to learn from. About Us (More than just a cool name!!) PPL Finish-Up, IFR and Commercial Training / KLHM, I am so happy I found AFIT. First off, thanks to you and Andy for helping me accomplish my goal of becoming a Private Pilot. Thank you to Gil and Tony for all youve done for me! Johns method of teaching allowed for both understanding of flying as well as humor. Michael was a fantastic instructor that dove right in and pushed me to my limits each and every day, both tailoring every flight to very specific purposes yet ensuring I never forgot how much fun it is to actually get out there and fly. After learning the different flight maneuvers, takeoffs, and landings it was a matter of honing these new skills for the check ride. I dont think I could have asked for a better instructor than Andy. And I feel incredibly blessed to have found Tony, Ruben and AFIT! and Eric to anyone looking to do an accelerated program. Oleg did a phenomenal job as a teacher, going the extra mile and customizing the program to my needs. Its incredible what youre capable of doing in a short period of time, especially when you have a patient and passionate instructor like Jason. I learned a lot from John, inside and outside the plane, about flying and aviation in general. Also, I was continually impressed with Cholenas excellent teaching environment. Ziggy is a veteran pilot with over thirty years of flying experience. By the time the check ride came around, Gil had me well prepared for both the oral portion and practical portion of the exam. I hope to be back in Texas to take care of further ratings and such. The easy accessibility of planes and hangars made usually dry textbook concepts like aircraft systems come to life and Andy made full use of all available resources when I said I wanted to understand something in more detail. Arizona Accelerated Flight Training | Classic Air Aviation Having a dedicated aircraft and instructor is a huge factor. I owe it to him, to call myself a Private Pilot. Theyre more knowledgeable than other CFIs. The easiest thing for Eric to do, would be to tell me that I wasnt destined to be a pilot and to move on. Max tickets per person: 50. After 60 hours and still not being proficient enough with landing to be able to solo I decided the typical way was not working for me. He applied several different teach techniques until he found the one that resonated with me and it all clicked. I would highly recommend this course if youre on the fence about it. By the final day, John had me more than prepared for the Final and I passed with flying colors. He was both tough on me, but also extremely understanding and patient during my training process. I can fly with my flying club uniform, guided by super senior Certified Flight Instrument Instructor, trained in super Cessna 172N with amazing maintenance. He made sure I understood all my material and kept the course moving right along. The AFIT program has the right processes with the perfect people to help you achieve your goals. Aviation and Flight Training Courses | Enhanced and Accelerated Training After completing my check ride, I flew my own plane home on a 3 hour flight with confidence and ease. Specifically the these are the things you did wrong, here is how to do them correctly. I cant say enough positive things about him, but Ill try. I came across AFIT after becoming frustrated with the slow pace of my training here in New York things like constant cancellations due to weather and only being able to fly on weekends, which Im sure a lot of student pilots can sympathize with, were getting me down as I realized it would probably take me a good 8-12 months before Id be checkride ready. Once you get your ratings this way, you get a lot of flexibility in growing your skills to suit your specific missions. I was also impressed with the flight instruction I received from AFIT.