When I called the local police department to see if they had any other calls about this occurrence, they said they hadnt. They provide long-range radar and electronic coverage. Being armed with the above information will allow you to do more than realize that hmmm, why are those drones following me? At the same time, you can act accordingly. I wouldnt call any of that way up there Bay Area. This method isnt foolproof. Huge Mass of Metal At Moons South Pole Asteroid Or Alien Base? Note: Make sure you gather information about the use of drones for night-time patrols in your community. I appreciate you putting this out there for the knuckleheads like me who just want to know ASAP! In one month-long period, the AP said, the federal agency sent planes carrying surveillance devices across 11 states, covering 30 urban areas. Conditions were clear and cloudless. One of the planes, photographed in flight last week by the AP in northern Virginia, bristled with unusual antennas under its fuselage and a camera on its left side. When the area is flat and fixed, then a circular orbit requires the least amount of work from the pilot to keep the object in the center of the orbit. This year of 2019 on August 14th, I did an Earthfiles YouTube Channel broadcast, followed by an August 16th Earthfiles news update, Strange Jet-like Sky Sounds, But No Planes? Thats when I reported about high strangeness jet-like sounds heard by a current Boeing Company Production Facility employee in Everett, Washington. Each weekday, dozens of U.S. government aircraft take to the skies and slowly circle over American cities. Thank you.. Low Flying Planes Over My HouseWhy do Passenger and Military planes fly Another still is that buildings, trees, etc., can block their view, and circling to get the best view is more. Especially military aviation. In that situation, they return to the standard USAF Air Combat Command Unit. If the aircraft is low and slow when then engine fails then the chances of the helicopter making a safe autorotation landing are slim. But they were not the cause of the loud jet noise I also heard that was described in your Earthfiles article. Unclear. Got a bit nervous a few minutes ago. Two years ago in 2017, I moved out of the Sequim Valley and up to the foothills in an area that is called Happy Valley.I did notice that since moving up this way, I have heard the strange jet noise much more and as I am living up higher it seems a lot louder. Evolving technology can record higher-quality video from long distances, even at night, and can capture certain identifying information from cellphones using a device known as a "cell-site simulator" - or Stingray, to use one of the product's brand names. them. Also, there is the E-3 AWACS that we see infrequently see but that are often above us. This IP address ( has performed an unusually high number of requests and has been temporarily rate limited. Amazing! I live in a high rise apartment with an unobstructed approx. ", Another person who spotted the plane said: "It's done eight circle laps over our house and it's still flying.". 02-01-2019 Part 1: Gigantic Triangular Craft Took Two Campers in Devils Den State Park, Arkansas You can follow Portlands 142nd on Facebook. It is a bit different at night, though. The Jets are awesome the fighter pilots are awesome and you are not awesome. As always you can unsubscribe at any time. RE: Strange jet engine sounds in clear sky Also, it also seems that the noise occurs during nights when we have a marine layer of cloud cover coming from the nearby coast. But, though I looked and looked, I saw nothing that was making the noise. Today, Wednesday, October 16, 2019, at around 4 pm Germany time, I experienced the exact same phenomenon you are reporting. Re: Anomalous Jet Sounds / AP. The sound just faded away and left us with more questions than answers. So I looked further into it to explain why you often hear military jets flying over our lovely city. Then I realized I could also hear a super loud plane/jet noise coming from outside. He states, It could literally be anything, and it could be flying for any reason,. By taking the time to circle the landing spot, the pilot gets the best chance to find anything that could cause them problems once on final approach. This base is home to the 142nd Fighter Wing(history). 09-15-2010 Part 4: Beyond Aztec and Wright-Patterson John Smiths Dream Encounter with Blond Children I live in Bloomfield, New Mexico and had a full 360-degree view of my surroundings without seeing a single plane in the sky. I just wanted to let you know that this high strangeness is not limited to the Puget Sound area that it is also happening over on the Olympic Peninsula. Date: August 21, 2019, 2:07 PM Eastern, Doral, Florida. Date: August 15, 2019, 2:36 PM Pacific, Mission Viejo, Calif. Re: Strange Jet Sound I have watched and heard jets fly in the sky above my neighborhood regularly. Limited Airspace When many news helicopters like to cover an incident the pilots can talk to one another and each hold their position. This option can be a bit of an investment, but it does provide good peace of mind. Id rather my name not be used Thanks and keep up the great work!, 10 To: Linda Moulton Howe, Earthfiles.com Flying low also keeps the aircraft underneath poor weather and gives it access to sight of the ground. So, if a suspicious drone is flying directly above your home, here are the things you can do instead: Often, the purpose of drone flying is legitimate. By doing this the pilot avoids the red Avoid areas. As for now, the mysterious plane will continue to remain a mystery. The surveillance flights comply with agency rules, an FBI spokesman said. The light turning on doesnt necessarily mean you have an unwanted visitor, but it may be an indicator that there is something outside that warrants your attention. There may also be more chances of finding an open landing location as the forward speed they have allows them to cover more distance during the glide. What Plane Just Flew Over My House? Here's an Easy Way to Find Out Re: Strange, Pulsing Jet Noises Weve Heard Twice I hope this helps, but I want to be anonymous to the public. I have followed your exemplary journalism for many years and would firstly like to thank you for the countless insights that I have gleaned from your work. My sister-in-law heard it about 2 miles away AT THE SAME TIME I HEARD IT. It is exactly like described in your Earthfiles article. It does not mean the drone is only allowed one solid green light, and thats it. EDIT 8: This may be an FBI operation, according to a Boston Globe article from . Nathan Standley. Another is to make sure there is adequate space for the helicopter to land. 09-20-2010 Part 5: Beyond Aztec and Wright-Patterson John Smiths Sexual Encounter with Black-Haired Female I didnt see them, but they passed by at least 3 times and were louder than Ive ever heard them. The direction of the sound, if I had to bet on it, was in the opposite direction of Teredyne. Never experienced anything like this. As precautionary measures, here are our top 5 tips on how to spot a drone at night. Indeed, he had also awoken to the same sound at precisely the same time, though he didnt give it any further thought. In an investigation of flight patterns, aircraft registries and the open record of more than a dozen fake companies set up by the Federal Bureau of Investigation, BuzzFeed created an interactive map showing the secret overhead surveillance of government helicopters and planes in the last four and a half months of 2015. Some drones use encrypted WiFi, while others use different signals altogether. Those types of requests are reviewed by senior FBI officials. FROM: S. O., Scientist in San Diego, California They look like Black Hawks but are actually Pave Hawks. These guys played a huge role in rescue operations after Mount St. Helens blew in 1980. Date: August 16, 2019. The laser has a 5 mile range and projects quite far into the night sky. Re: More jet engine sounds with no jet visible in the sky. Like I can hear what seems to be a jet engine backing off as to be making a landing, yet when I look around in the sky above I would not see any plane visible. It can even be used when you're sitting at home . There was a railway line several blocks from me, so I was familiar with the sound of heavy freight trains moving through the neighborhood, but this was decidedly different. I have been googling for about 10 minutes. You must exercise patience and common sense toward the person flying the quad as you might find yourself in their position someday. Most orbits will be done clockwise as most helicopter pilots sit on the right side of the helicopter. Which means you can open the app and see a live view of all the planes flying over your house. Is there any internet site where we can find out about these incidents and what our pilots did? If you are interested in trying an RF scanner for drone detection, one highly-rated and affordable option is JMDHKKs Anti Spy Detector. I live in Midland, Pa. Today on November 4, 2019, from about 5:20 am to 5:35 am Eastern, I heard a VERY loud jet-like noise, a constant engine sound. Low-flying military aircraft have rattled Hart County residents over the past few weeks as many have reported seeing planes maneuver at extremely low levels. These locations are marked on the map below. They defend the whole upper West coast from the boogeyman all year long. Plane circling over my house at night 2022 - nznlr.soterik.de Not only was it much louder, but it reminded me more of aircraft engines. Move along. This website was created to help pass on information and knowledge of all things aviation! Until then, I remain a faithful Earthfiles and Earthfiles Youtube subscriber and will be seeing your happy self in the conference circuit, as I have for many years., 15 To: Linda Moulton Howe, Earthfiles.com "This is a warning. These flights are not normal air traffic for this The guy spent a lot of money on those fireworks.